University of Virginia Library



Thou hast enlarged my steps under me.”—Ps. xviii. 36.

This life is large—yea, larger than our dreams
And breathes through many a spiracle;
Heaven haunts the gloomiest with its virgin gleams,
And each step is a miracle.
We grow by lapses and arise by falls,
Misfortune moves us on with trumpet calls
By dusty goals and glorious,
Till Jericho goes down with its grim walls,
By sheer defeat victorious.
O it is blessèd that we always win
And the white saint comes whiter out of sin,
While death is life and hell to heaven akin.
This life is large—it broadens up and out,
With angel arts and devilries;
We plumb the depths of faith by awful doubt,
And fasts we read through revelries.
From world to world we pass in skiey scale,
And none can bind though with the widest pale
The spirit's inbred spaciousness;
For when we think to tell its final tale,
It mounts to higher graciousness.
With thoughts eternal, do we edge the knife
Of petty sufferings and each passing strife—
Heaven is akin to hell and death is life.