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The Treasury of Musick

Containing ayres and dialogues To Sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed

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A description of Chloris.


Have you e're seen the morning Sun
From fair Aurora's bosome run?
Or have you seen on Flora's Bed,
The Essences of White and Red?
Then you may boast, for you have seen
My Fairer Chloris, Beauties Queen.


Have you e're pleas'd your skilful eares
With the sweet Musick of the Spheres?
Have you e're heard the Syrens sing,
Or Orpheus play to Hels black King?
If so, be happy and rejoyce,
For thou hast heard my Chloris voyce.


Have you e're smelt what Chymick skill
From Rose or Amber doth distill?
Have you been near that sacrifice
The Phœnix makes before she dies?
Then you can tell (I do presume)
My Chloris is the worlds perfume.


Have you e're tasted what the Bee
Steals from each fragrant Flower or Tree?
Or did you ever taste that meat
Which Poets say the Gods did eat?
O then I will no longer doubt
But you have found my Chloris out.