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July 11th. Thursday 1805

a fair windey morning wind S.W. I dispatch W Bratton
(who cannot work he haveing a tumer riseing on his finger) to
Meat the Canoes & bring from them two axes, which is necessary
for the work at the perogues or canoes, and is indespenceable
he returned in about two hours & informed that one
Canoe was within three Miles, about 1 oClock the Canoe
which Bratton left arrived. haveing killed a Buffalow on the
river above our camp, at which place the bend of the river
below & that above is about 1 mile apart, I despatched Serjt.
Pryor with 3 men in the canoe to get the meat they killed
another buffalow near the one killed and brought the meat of
both down. at Sunset the 3 remaining canoes arrived unloaded
& returned imeadiately with orders to flote down to


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Camp at the portage to night for the purpose of takeing up
the remaining baggage. Musquetors verry troublesom, and in
addition to their torments we have a Small Knat which is as
disagreeable, our hunter killed 3 Deer to day one of them
verry fat. all the men with me engaged about the Canoes
hunting &c. &c.