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The subjects of Instruction in Engineering are grouped into classes, each
designated by a distinctive number for each term, the lecture and laboratory
courses being likewise differentiated. This grouping follows the arrangement
shown hereafter:


Page 329
Humanities  1 to 99 
Mathematics  100 to 199 
Physics  200 to 299 
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering  300 to 399 
Geology  400 to 499 
Applied Mathematics  500 to 599 
Experimental Engineering  600 to 699 
Civil Engineering including Field-work  700 to 799 
Mechanical Enginering including Aeronautics  800 to 899 
Electrical Engineering  900 to 999 

Lecture courses are listed in the first fifty numbers of all classes; laboratory
or practice courses are listed in the second fifty numbers of all classes.
The same numbers are used in schedules of lecture hours, laboratory periods
and examination days.


1-2-3: English:

Section I, 10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Section II, 11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

First term: Grammar and Composition. Parallel reading. Second term:
Vocabulary studies, Composition and Oral Exposition. Parallel reading.
Third term: Oral Exposition. Students will be expected to speak before one
of the professional societies. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Peden, and Mr. Lapsley.

4-5-6: English:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

First term: Advanced Composition. Parallel reading. Second term:
Letter Writing. Third term: Report Writing. Students in this course must
read at least two papers before one of the professional societies. (Fall,
Winter, Spring.)

Mr. Vaughan and Assistant.

7-8-9: Business Speaking:

6 sections, each with 3 periods per week.

This course is intended to fit engineers for effective speaking in the
modern business world. It includes the principles of persuasive speaking,
various types of business talks, radio and telephone speaking, and a detailed
treatment of the personal conference. (Fall, Winter, Spring.) (Not given after
session of 1935-36.

Associate Professor Paul, Acting Associate Professor McLean and Mr.

10-11-12: English:

Hours by appointment.

A special elective course for fourth-year and graduate students. This is
a directed reading course arranged to meet the special needs of engineering
students. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Mr. Vaughan.

16-17: Government and Technology:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

A study of government with special reference to those aspects which
concern the engineer. Consideration is given to the influence of science and


Page 330
technology on the extension of governmental functions and responsibilities.
(Fall, Winter.)

Professor Macconochie.

21-22-23: Cost Accounting:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

First term: Theory and practice in General Accounting. Second and third
terms: Application of accounting principles to various types of manufacturing and
engineering enterprises. (Fall, Winter, Spring.) (Beginning with the 1936-37
session the third term of this course will be discontinued.

Professor Barlow and Mr. MacDonald.

24-25-26: Technical Economics:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

First term: Lectures and written work dealing with the operation of the
economic system, presenting, on a factual basis, the economic principles of
a civilization of which the engineer is inescapably a part. Financial structures,
business units, marketing, and prices. Second term: A further study of
economics with especial emphasis directed towards engineering aspects of
economic theory and business activity. Wages and labor relations, insurance,
investment, and profits. Taxation. Political and social aspects of economics.
Study of contract and other methods of construction. Third term: Economic
considerations involved in engineering problems and in drawing up specifications
for engineering structures. Theory and practice of specification writing.
Especial emphasis will be placed upon the general problem of economic
selection of methods, and equipment, in the several engineering fields. Questions
of first cost, depreciation, rates, etc., will be treated. (Fall, Winter,

Assistant Professor Morse.

34-35-36: Elective:

A graduate-year humanistic course chosen from Philosophy, Architecture,
Fine Arts, or other subject approved by the Faculty of Engineering. (Fall,
Winter, Spring.)

40-41-42: German:

11:30-12:30, M. T. W. Th. F.

A first course in German, required of all students of Chemical Engineering.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Faulkner, Assistant Professor Mohr and Dr. Volm.

43-44-45: German:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

A course in second-year German required of students in Chemical Engineering.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Wood and Dr. Volm.


100: Trigonometry:

8:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

A complete course in plane trigonometry is pursued with constant drill in the
solution of problems, equations, identities, and exercises in the use of logarithms.

Professor Oglesby, Mr. H. B. Daniel, Mr. Rucker and Mr. J. M. Cowgill.


Page 331

106: Analytical Geometry and College Algebra:

8:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

In this course Cartesian and polar coördinates are presented and applied to
the study of the straight line, the circle, the parabola and the ellipse. About
one-third of the time is spent on related topics in college algebra. (Winter.)

Professor Oglesby, Mr. H. B. Daniel, Mr. Rucker and Mr. J. M. Cowgill.

107: Analytical Geometry and College Algebra:

8:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

This course is a continuation of course 106. The topics studied are the
hyperbola, transformation of coördinates, the general equation of the second
degree, systems of conics, tangents and polars, and problems on loci. The study
of college algebra is continued. (Spring.)

Professor Oglesby, Mr. H. B. Daniel, Mr. Rucker and Mr. J. M. Cowgill.

108: Calculus:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

A first course in the differential calculus. The topics studied are limits,
differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions, applications to geometry,
elementary kinematics and mechanical problems, parametric equations, polar
equations, differentials and curvature. (Fall.)

Professor Oglesby, Mr. Rutherfoord and Mr. Stipe.

109: Calculus:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

A first course in the integral calculus. A study of the process of integration
with applications. (Winter.)

Professor Oglesby, Mr. Rutherfoord and Mr. Stipe.

110: Calculus:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

The topics studied are the theorem of mean value and its applications, series,
expansions of functions, partial differentiation and multiple integrals. (Spring.)

Professor Oglesby, Mr. Rutherfoord and Mr. Stipe.

111: Differential Equations:

11:30-1:00, W. F.

An elementary course in differential equations with particular reference to
the differential equations of electrical engineering. (Fall.)

Professor Oglesby.

158-159-160: Mathematics Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, W. F.

This course is conducted in conjunction with 108-109-110. It consists of an
intensive, supervised study of calculus problems. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Oglesby, Mr. Rutherfoord and Mr. Stipe.


200-201-202: General Physics:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

250-251-252: Physics Laboratory:

8:30-10:30, M. W. F.

An elementary course in general physics consisting of lectures, lecture
demonstrations, recitations and laboratory exercises. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Brown and Assistants.


Page 332


300-301-302: General Chemistry:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

350-351-352: Chemistry Laboratory:

11:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

The fundamental principles and phenomena of inorganic, organic, and physical
chemistry, and the foundations of analytical chemistry. Most of the time
is devoted to inorganic phenomena. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbooks: Richardson: General Chemistry; Carter: Laboratory Course in
General Chemistry;
Long and Anderson: Chemical Calculations.

Professor Carter, Dr. Fink and Assistants.

312-313-314: Organic Chemistry:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

362-363-364: Organic Chemistry Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, M.

Chemistry 300-301-302 and 350-351-352 prerequisite.

An introductory study of Organic Chemistry. Typical reactions are discussed
largely around questions and problems which illustrate chemical principles
and reaction tendencies. Intrinsic influencing factors, conditions and
the mechanisms of reactions are stressed. The laboratory work: An experimental
study of unit processes and the control of reactions by imposed conditions.
A thorough study of the textbook is called for in connection with
every experiment. Parallel reading. 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of laboratory
a week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbooks: Bird: Typical Reactions of Organic Compounds; Laboratory
and Groggin's Unit Processes for parallel study.

Professor Bird and Assistants.

315-316-317: Qualitative Analysis:

8:30-9:30, T. Th.

365-366-367: Qualitative Analysis Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, Th.

Chemistry 300-301-302 and 350-351-352 prerequisite.

A course devoted to the study of systematic qualitative analysis. In the
lecture work special emphasis is given to the theoretical foundations of
analytical chemistry. 2 hours of lecture and 3 hours of laboratory a week.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbooks: A. A. Noyes: Qualitative Chemical Analysis; Hammett: Solutions
of Electrolytes;
Engelder: Calculations of Qualitative Analysis.

Professor Yoe and Assistants.

318-319-320: Quantitative Analysis:

Lecture by appointment

368-369-370: Quantitative Analysis of Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, M. W. F.

Chemistry 315-316-317 and 365-366-367 prerequisite.

An introductory course in volumetric and gravimetric methods of analysis.
9 hours a week, including 1 lecture or recitation on the technique and theory of
quantitative analysis. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbooks: Willard and Furman: Elementary Quantitative Analysis; Hamilton
and Simpson: Calculations of Quantitative Chemical Analysis.

Professor Yoe and Assistant.


Page 333

321-322-323: Physical Chemistry:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

371-372-373: Physical Chemistry Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, T. Th.

Chemistry 315-316-317 prerequisite, as well as some knowledge of the Calculus
and previous training in Physics.

An introductory study of atomic structure theory, kinetic theory and the
principle of the conservation of energy form the foundations of the study of
gases, liquids, solids, solutions and rates of reaction. A brief study of the direction
of chemical change is then followed by the consideration of homogeneous and
heterogeneous equilibria. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbooks: Taylor: Elementary Physical Chemistry; Daniels, Mathews and
Williams: Experimental Physical Chemistry.

Professor Benton, Assistant Professor Spencer and Assistant.

324-325-326: Principles of Chemical Engineering:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Chemistry 321-322-323 prerequisite.

A course designed to give the prospective chemical engineer a thorough
foundation in the unit operations. Regularly taken in the fourth year. Practice
in the application of the principles involved is given by the solution of
numerous type problems in which quantitative treatment is emphasized. Attention
is first devoted to a detailed study of flow of fluids and flow of heat,
since these topics are fundamental in the subsequent development of unit
operations in Chemical Engineering. These subjects are followed by evaporation,
humidification, drying, and distillation. Facility is developed in the
stoichiometry of chemical industry. Plant inspection trips are made from
time to time. Lectures and recitations, 3 hours a week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbooks: Walker, Lewis and McAdams: Principles of Chemical Engineering;
Badger and McCabe: Elements of Chemical Engineering; Perry: Chemical
Engineers' Handbook.

Associate Professor Hitchcock and Mr. Schmidt.

327-328-329: Advanced Chemical Engineering:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Chemical Engineering 324-325-326 prerequisite.

Regularly taken in the graduate year by candidates for the Ch. E. degree.
The subjects of distillation and drying are treated in more detail than in the preliminary
course, while the additional subjects of filtration, absorption, and extraction
are taken up. Further practice is had in applications of calculus to
the solutions of problems in these fields. Principles in the flow of fluids and flow
of heat are used in solving problems of more advanced character. Recent developments
in Chemical Engineering are studied. Lectures and recitations, 3
hours a week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbook: Walker, Lewis and McAdams: Principles of Chemical Engineering;
McAdams: Heat Transmission.

Associate Professor Hitchcock.


Page 334

340-341-342: Applied Chemistry:

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

Chemistry 312-313-314 and 321-322-323 prerequisite.

The lectures and recitations in this course are devoted to the study of fundamental
principles underlying the more important phases of industrial chemistry,
including both theoretical and economic problems. A considerable amount of collateral
reading in descriptive industrial chemistry is assigned, and written reports
involving use of the literature are required. Better appreciation of the quantitative
relationships existing in the applications of chemistry is gained through problem
work paralleling the lecture material. A number of plant inspection trips are
arranged during the year. Lectures and recitations, 3 hours a week. (Fall,
Winter, Spring.)

Textbooks: Badger and Baker: Inorganic Chemical Technology; Lewis and
Radasch: Industrial Stoichiometry; Riegel: Industrial Chemistry.

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

374-375-376: Chemical Engineering Laboratory:

The student demonstrates to himself essential features of the unit operations
of chemical engineering, by constructing and testing with his own hands
suitable apparatus for the illustration of principles in the parallel classroom
work. Under minimum supervision, he plans, builds, and tests such equipment
as orifices and other measuring apparatus, fluid flow devices verifying
Fanning's equation, apparatus for determination of heat transfer coefficients
in the more common cases, model vacuum pan sufficient to demonstrate the
ordinary relationships of evaporation, and packed columns for the absorption
of gases in liquids.

The primary object of this course is to teach the student how to obtain
the data necessary for the interpretation of the unit operations in chemical
engineering. It is inevitable that at the same time, he gains a clearer understanding
of these operations, as well as facility in shopwork and the use of
his hands, the preparation of working drawings, and the reduction of his
results to writing in the form of an acceptable report. Whether the apparatus
is particularly efficient, or even practicable from a production standpoint,
is not regarded as important at this stage.

The students work in small groups in order to make better use of the
time, and the results obtained by each group are made available to all through
dependent problem work in the classroom. 6 hours a week. (Fall, Winter,

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

383-384-385: Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Research:

Opportunity is afforded undergraduate students to obtain an introduction
to research methods in problems pertaining to chemical engineering. As a
rule the course is open to those who are taking the major portion of their
work in senior subjects, and who have had or are taking Chemical Engineering
324-325-326. A minimum of nine hours per week for one term is required
in the laboratory, and it is expected that normally the student will


Page 335
continue the work through the entire session. (An elective course for those having
the time to apply to it.

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

386-387-388: Chemical Engineering Research:

This course is designed for candidates for the Ch. E. degree and affords an
introduction to research methods. Fundamental problems are selected, whenever
possible, from the field of greatest interest to the student. The method of attack
is in general to reduce the selected problem to laboratory scale leading to the
collection of basic data susceptible of definite interpretation, rather than to attempt
investigations on commercial equipment which usually yield empirical results.
The use of the chemical literature as an aid in conducting investigations
prefaces and accompanies the laboratory work, as well as practice in the mathematical
and graphical treatment of the data obtained.

The preparation and submission of a satisfactory thesis marks the completion
of this course, and is a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ch. E.
degree. Two copies of the thesis, typewritten on paper of prescribed quality and
size, and substantially bound, must be deposited in the office of the Dean of the
Department of Engineering not later than May 15 of the year in which it is expected
that the degree will be conferred. The back of the cover must bear the
title of the thesis and the writer's name, and the title page must bear the words:
A thesis presented to the Engineering Faculty of the University of Virginia in
candidacy for the degree of Chemical Engineer.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

Advanced Courses: A number of advanced courses in Chemistry, not
listed above, are described in the catalogue of the College. When time permits,
students in Chemical Engineering, who are properly prepared, may take
such of these courses as are approved by the Faculty of Engineering.

The Chemical Journal Club will meet once a week (hour to be arranged)
for the critical review and discussion of various topics of interest in current
chemical literature and of such chemical researches as are in progress in the
University. All members of the teaching staff and advanced students in
chemistry are expected to participate in these meetings and to take part
in the discussions.


400-401-402: Engineering Geology:

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

450-451-452: Field and Laboratory:

6 hours a week.

Fundamental principles of dynamical and structural geology for first term
with Professor Roberts; minerals and rocks for second term with Assistant Professor
Pegau; and building stones and ores for third term with Professor Nelson.
The laboratory work is devoted to the interpretation of topographic and structural
maps, the principal building stones and their mineral content and properties, field
trips, the use of the plane table in topographic mapping, and geologic mapping.

Professors Nelson, Roberts, Assistant Professor Pegau and Assistant.


Page 336


521: Plane Surveying:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Theory, uses, and adjustments of compass, level, transit,
and stadia. Special methods of land, city, topographic and mining surveys.
Survey computation and maps. (Fall or Spring.)

571: Field course: Practical use of chain and tape, level, compass,
transit and stadia. Field notes, records and reports. 6 hours a week, 2:305:30,
T. Th. or W. F.

Assistant Professor Evans, Mr. Forsyth and Field Assistants.

522: Engineering Drawing II:

Winter, 11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Spring, 10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lecture Course: This course is an extension of course 523, and applies
the theoretical principles of orthographic representation to the problems of
industry. It includes: free-hand sketching, sectional views and commercial
conventions, pictorial representation, developments, principles of dimensioning,
detail and assembly drawings, tracing and reproduction, and commercial

572: Practice Course: The students execute a series of drawings, applying
the principles acquired in the lecture course to problems selected from
various branches of engineering. 6 hours a week, 8:30-10:30, M. W. F.
(Winter or Spring.)

Associate Professor Hesse, Mr. Irvine and Mr. Olsen.

523: Engineering Drawing I—Descriptive Geometry:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lecture Course: Theory of Engineering Drawing; orthographic projection,
point, line, and plane fundamentals; intersections; lettering and use of

573: Practice course: The students execute a series of drawings, applying
the principles acquired in the lecture course to problems selected
from various branches of engineering. 6 hours a week, 8:30-10:30, M. W. F.
(Fall or Winter.)

Associate Professor Hesse, Mr. Irvine and Mr. Olsen.

524: Graphical Statics:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Graphic composition and resolution of forces; centers
of gravity and moments of inertia; strain sheets for simple types of roof and
bridge trusses; beams under fixed and rolling loads; reservoir dams and retaining
walls; internal stresses and beam deflections.

574: Practice Course: Each student executes a weekly plate 15 by 20
inches of problems based on the lectures. 6 hours a week, 11:30-1:30, M. W.
F. (Winter.)

Professor Saunders, Associate Professor Hesse and Mr. W. W.
Starke, Jr.


Page 337

525: Structural Theory and Design:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lecture Course: Principles of design of certain elementary structures
such as the plate girder and steel roof truss. Some fundamental theory of
structures in general.

575: Practice Course: Design and detailed drawings of a roof truss and
plate girder, with complete computations for each. Other computations relating
to certain determinate structures. 6 hours a week, 11:30-1:30, M. W. F.

Assistant Professor Evans, Associate Professor Hesse and Mr. W. W.
Starke, Jr.

526: Elementary Mechanics:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Composition and resolution of forces; friction; problems in equilibrium;
rectilinear motion, circular motion, projectile motion. (Spring.)

Assistant Professor Evans and Mr. Hahn.

527: Applied Mechanics:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Review of elementary mechanics; dynamics of a particle; moments of
inertia; revolving bodies; rolling bodies; theory of work and energy; collision
of elastic solids; dynamics of the Steam Engine.

Weekly problems are assigned for solution by graphical and analytical methods.
3 hours a week of supervised problem work, 2:30-5:30, Th. (Fall.)

Assistant Professor Evans and Mr. Hahn.

528: Strength of Materials:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Fundamental laws of stress and strain; straining actions and stresses in
ties and struts, beams and shafts, reinforced concrete slabs and girders; deflections
in simple, restrained and continuous girders; columns under axial and eccentric
loads. 3 hours a week of supervised problem work, 2:30-5:30, Th. (Winter.)

Assistant Professor Evans and Mr. Hahn.

529: Hydraulics:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Equilibrium of fluids, applied to the analysis and design of thin and thick
shells and pipes, dams and weirs. Motion of fluids and discharges from orifices,
weir notches, pipes, canals, and rivers. Principles of linear and angular
momentum with applications to the analysis and design of hydraulic motors and
pumps. (Spring.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Edwards.

Laboratory studies in Strength of Materials and Hydraulics are given in the
Classes in Experimental Engineering.

530: Machine Design: (For Electrical Course.)

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

Lecture course: Materials and methods of Machine Design; friction,
lubrication, plain, roller and ball bearings; positive and friction clutches; belt,
rope and chain transmission; gearing and commercial speed reducers; riveted
and screw fastenings; fits; shafts; flywheels; machine frames.


Page 338

580: Practice course: Application of principles studied in the lecture
course to problems of particular interest to the Electrical Engineer. Design,
re-design, selection and layout of equipment. 6 hours a week, 11:30-1:30,
M. W. F. (Spring.)

Associate Professor Hesse and Mr. Hahn.

531: Strength of Materials:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

For students of Mechanical Engineering. An advanced course in this
subject covering such elements as theories of failure, curved flexual members,
and localized stresses, with a discussion of photoelastic analysis. (Winter.)

Assistant Professor Evans.

581: Engineering Design: (For Chemical Course.)

7 hours a week.

Machine and structural elements; elementary graphic statics; applications
of mechanics to problems of power transmission, conveying and materials
handling. The course is planned to teach students to attack problems
of design in an orderly manner. The major portion of the work is individual,
and is done in the laboratory, with one lecture each week on design
and application. (Winter.)

Associate Professor Hesse and Mr. Hahn.


Lectures are given to explain the origin and manufacture of materials, the
design and operation of equipment, methods of conducting the tests, and the
calculation of the desired results from the data taken in the laboratory. The
work is done principally in the laboratories where special emphasis is laid upon
(1) a thorough understanding of the problem to be undertaken, (2) accuracy in
carrying out the investigation, (3) the presentation of the results in a report which
must meet the standards of professional practice.

650: Highway Materials Laboratory:

5 hours a week.

Standard tests are run on cement and fine aggregates. Stone is tested for
specific gravity, toughness, resistance to abrasion, and cementing value.
Specific gravity and consistency tests are made on bituminous materials.
Next year it is hoped to incorporate with the above some work in the newer
field of soil mechanics. (Fall.)

Assistant Professor Evans.

661: Structural Materials Testing:

5 hours a week.

Tests of concrete, timber and metals. A course for Electrical and Mechanical
Engineers, similar to Courses 662 and 663 but not as comprehensive,
being condensed into a one-term course. (Winter.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Edwards.

662: Structural Materials Testing:

5 hours a week.

Sieve analyses and other routine tests of fine and coarse aggregates; proportioning
of concrete; compressive tests of mortar and concrete, with


Page 339
measurements of deformation and determination of the modulus of elasticity.
Design, construction, and tests of reinforced concrete beams. For Civil Engineers.

Associate Professor Henderson.

663: Structural Materials Testing:

5 hours a week.

A continuation of Course 662. Tension tests of wires and metal rods;
compression tests of metals and timber; transverse tests of metals and timber;
torsion tests of metals; autographic tests; hardness tests; fatigue tests.
Special attention is given to determining the elastic constants of the materials
tested. For Civil Engineers. (Winter.)

Associate Professor Henderson.

670: Fuel and Oil Testing:

5 hours a week.

Sampling coal by standard methods; proximate analysis of coal; measurement
of the heating value of coal by a bomb calorimeter; the heating value of
gas and liquid fuels by the Junkers calorimeter; determination of viscosity,
flash and fire points, specific gravity; carbon residue and pour point of lubricating
oils. For Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Hahn.

680: Hydraulic Testing:

5 hours a week.

The measurement of the flow of water by means of orifices and weirs;
the calibration of Venturi and orifice meters; the determination of the
coefficient of friction for pipes, and the measurement of shock losses due to
elbows, bends, and sudden changes of section; performance tests of centrifugal
pumps; tests of a Pelton wheel; tests of an hydraulic ram. (Spring.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Edwards.

690: Power Testing:

5 hours a week.

The calibration of planimeters; calibration and adjustment of gauges;
calibration of indicator springs; thermometer calibration; exercises in valve
setting; steam quality determination by the separating and the throttling
calorimeter; flue gas analysis; steam engine tests; boiler tests. For Chemical,
Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Edwards.

691: Power Testing:

5 hours a week.

A continuation of Course 690. Complete tests of a steam engine; tests of
a steam turbine; tests of a surface condenser; tests of reciprocating pumps;
tests of an oil furnace; tests of an internal combustion engine. For Electrical
and Mechanical Engineers. (Winter.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Edwards.

692: Power Testing:

5 hours a week.

A continuation of Course 691. Special emphasis is placed on the internal
combustion engine and efficiency tests are made using a variety of fuels and
modifying the arrangement for each. For Mechanical Engineers. (Spring.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Hahn.


Page 340


701: Curves and Earthwork:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures on simple circular, compound, reverse, transition and vertical curves.
The form of excavations and embankments, earthwork surveys, computation of
volumes, formation of embankments, computation of haul, cost of earthwork, blasting.
Practical problems covering work of lecture course. (Spring.)

Professor Saunders and Mr. Ferrer.

703: Highway Engineering:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

A study of highway economics, administration, legislation and organization.
The principles of highway location, surveying, mapping and design. The construction,
maintenance and characteristics of earth, sand-clay, gravel, and broken stone
roads. A study of bituminous materials. The construction, maintenance and
characteristics of bituminous macadam, bituminous concrete, asphalt, cement-concrete,
wood block, brick and stone block pavements. Sidewalks, curbs and gutters.

Assistant Professor Evans.

705: Bridge Engineering:

8:30-9:30, T. Th. S.

A study of bridge stresses, the design and construction of selected types of
steel bridges. (Winter.)

Professor Saunders.

708: Water Supply:

8:30-9:30, T. Th. S.

A study of the elements of public water supply systems covering such
topics as quality, quantity, methods of collection, conveyance, purification, and
distribution of water. Text study is supplemented by the assignment of
numerous problems of a practical nature. (Fall.)

Professor Saunders.

709: Sewerage and Sewage Treatment:

8:30-9:30, T. Th. S.

A preliminary study of sewerage systems and methods of sewage treatment.
This course covers estimates of sewage quantity and the design of
sewage collector systems; a study of sewage disposal by dilution; and studies
of sewage treatment by tank, filtration, and other standard methods. The
lecture course is paralleled by the assignment of appropriate practical problems.

Professor Saunders.

715: Materials of Construction:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

A descriptive study of the properties, characteristics and manufacture of the
materials used in engineering structures. Problems in estimating quantities and
costs. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Edwards.

718: Masonry Structures:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

A study of the theory of reinforced concrete design. The design and construction
of selected types of masonry structures. Practical exercises in design
together with structural drawing. (Fall.)

Professor Saunders.


Page 341

720: Structural Engineering:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

An advanced course in the design and construction of engineering structures
of steel and masonry. The student will be required to design, detail and prepare
completed drawings of selected structures. (Fall.)

Assistant Professor Evans.

721: Design of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

The design, construction and operation of water supply and sewage systems.
The student will be required to make complete designs and prepare all necessary
plans and specifications. (Fall.)

Professor Saunders.

722: Sanitary Engineering:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

A study of water purification and sewage disposal. The design, construction
and operation of water purification works, and sewage disposal plants. The student
will be required to make complete designs and prepare all necessary plans
and specifications. (Winter.)

Professor Saunders.

723: Structural Engineering:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

Continuation of course 720. (Winter.)

Assistant Professor Evans.

725: Civil Engineering Research:

This course will be devoted to intensive study and research planned to accord
with the student's individual choice of major topic of study in the graduate year.

Professor Saunders and Assistant Professor Evans.


751-752: Railroad Surveying:

6 hours a week.

This course supplements 701, Curves and Earthwork. The class is divided into
squads, each squad making complete surveys, maps, profiles, and estimates for a
mile of located line. (Spring and Fall.)

Professor Saunders and Mr. Donnally.

754: Elementary Model Analysis:

6 hours a week.

The first part of the course will be devoted to the use of Beggs' Apparatus
for the analysis of stresses in structural frames. This will be followed
by the theory of photoelasticity and its applications to the analysis of stresses
in plane models—particularly machine parts. The course will consist principally
of laboratory work in model making and analysis, with sufficient
lectures to adequately cover the necessary theory. (Winter.)

Professor Saunders and Assistant Professor Evans.

755-756: Bridge Drafting:

6 hours a week.

This course accompanies 705, Bridges. Each student is required to make
complete design and detail drawings of one plate girder and one selected type of
bridge truss. (Winter and Spring.)

Professor Saunders and Associate Professor Hesse.


Page 342


800: Elementary Thermodynamics:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Physical units and their measurement. Properties of the permanent gases,
of steam, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. Laws of thermodynamics. Fuels and
combustion. The transformation of heat into mechanical work and the production
of cold. The generation of steam. (Fall.)

Assistant Professor Morse and Mr. Kasakoff.

801: Elementary Applied Thermodynamics:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

An introduction to the design and performance of stokers, boilers, and boiler
auxiliaries, steam engines and turbines, internal combustion engines, and refrigerating
plants. (Winter.)

Assistant Professor Morse and Mr. Kasakoff.

802: Power Plants:

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

Factors affecting location and design of power plants. Economics of the
electric power industry. Costs and rate making. The Diesel power plant.

Assistant Professor Morse.

803: Power Plants:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Aspects of hydro-electric power development. Hydrology, water storage,
dams, and penstocks. Hydraulic turbines and other hydraulic machinery.
Cycles and heat balances of the Rankine, regenerative, reheating, and binary
vapor types of power plants. (Fall.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

804: Air Conditioning and Refrigeration:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

The principles of conditioning and supplying air to residences and public
buildings. The thermodynamics of refrigeration applied to the manufacture of
ice and the storage of perishables. The production of very low temperatures.

Professor Macconochie.

805: Steam Generators:

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

Modern boiler design and fuel burning equipment. Economic considerations
governing plant location and capacity. The use of high-pressure steam. Boiler
corrosion and boiler plant embrittlement. Control of smoke and dust, and ordinances
pertaining thereto. By courtesy of the Virginia Public Service Company
students have access to the Bremo Bluff generating station on the James River.

Professor Macconochie.

806: Steam Turbines:

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

Types of modern steam turbines and their application to land and marine
practice. The economy of the isolated station versus purchased power. Nozzle
flow and results of research on the properties of steam. Opportunities will be
offered for the study of industrial power plants and for keeping in touch with
current development in the power field. (Winter.)

Professor Macconochie.


Page 343

807: Diesel Engines

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

Design and performance of modern Diesel engines. Their application to industrial,
marine, and locomotive service. Fuel injection and combustion. The
gas turbine. (Spring.)

Professor Macconochie.

808: Steam Power Plants:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Study of the steam boiler-turbine-condenser unit. Functional relationship
of steam plant equipment. Heat transfer computations. Combustion
and combustion equipment. Feedwater heating and treatment. Pumping
problems. Selection of piping. Piping systems. Electrical equipment and
layout. Instruments and meters. (Winter.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

812: Theory of Machines:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Kinematic chains and linkages. Simple machines. Mechanisms possessing
some particular geometrical property. Higher and lower pairs. Velocities and
accelerations in mechanisms. (Fall.)

Professor Macconochie.

813: Ferrous Metallurgy:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Ores of iron and their treatment. The manufacture of cast iron and steel.
The theory of alloys applied to the ferrous metals. The heat treatment of
steel. Alloy steels and their uses. Corrosion and its prevention. Measurement
of temperature in industrial operations. The testing and inspection of
metallurgical products. (Spring.)

Professor Macconochie.

814: Non-ferrous Metallurgy:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

The production and refining of the more common non-ferrous metals.
Equilibrium diagrams of the binary alloys. The phase rule. Properties and
uses of the non-ferrous metals. (Spring.)

Professor Macconochie.

815a-b-c: Mechanical Technology:

Section I, 12:30-1:30, M.

Section II, 12:30-1:30, W.

This course serves to introduce the first-year student to the various preparatory
and manipulative processes with which he must be familiar in order
to properly attack the various courses in technical engineering in succeeding
years. The first two terms are devoted to a study of various engineering elements,
casting, forging, machining, stamping, rolling and drawing processes.
The third term includes lectures on specific topics in the engineering profession
by members of the Departmental staff, with a view to acquainting the
student with the various fields of the profession. Considerable use is made
of slides, motion pictures and model material, and one or more visits to industrial
organizations are generally attempted. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Hesse and Mr. V. Quarles.

816: Machine Design:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

A study of the design of machine elements, applying the preliminary
principles acquired in the courses in Machine Design, Mechanics and Strength


Page 344
of Materials. The course is planned to teach students to attack problems of
design in an orderly manner. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Hesse.

819: Engineering Shop Practice:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures on various shop processes; time and motion study, job analysis;
etc. The purpose of this course is to familiarize students in Mechanical Engineering
with manufacturing procedures, so that they may be enabled to
enter industrial manufacturing plants, and engage in work that comprises a
large portion of the field of Mechanical Engineering. (Spring.)

Associate Professor Hesse.

820: Mechanism:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

A history of mechanism, including biographical studies of eminent engineers.
The elements of patent law. (Fall.)

Professor Macconochie.

821: Mechanics of Machinery:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

The dynamics of rotating bodies. Applications of the gyroscope to the
steering and stabilization of ships. Shell ballistics. (Winter.)

Professor Macconochie.

822: Engineering and Industrial Processes:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

A study of the technique and managerial problems of local industries, e. g.
textiles, printing, etc. (Spring.)

Professor Macconochie.

826: Industrial Management:

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

Organization and location. Layout, design and construction. Transportation.
Heating and ventilation. Standardization. Fatigue. Human relations. Operation
studies. Wage plans and incentives. Budgeting and purchasing. Inspection
and production control. Costs. (Fall.)

Professor Macconochie.

827: Industrial Management:

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

This is a continuation of Course 826, developing a broader emphasis in the
field of industrial planning, problems of unemployment and the influence of
industrial economics on the growth of social well being. (Winter.)

Professor Macconochie.

830: General Aeronautics:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

An introductory course including a brief history of the subject; a complete
nomenclature and explanation of the various parts of both heavier-than-air and
lighter-than-air craft; theory of flight; use of the controls; construction; stability;
engine development and present design; future possibilities; civil and military
aviation; Department of Commerce Rules and Regulations. (Spring.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

833: Aerodynamics:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

Aerodynamic theory, including consideration of circulatory and vortex
flow. Theory of wing section and of complete wings. Aerodynamic design


Page 345
of an airplane to satisfy assigned specifications, including balance, control,
performance, and stability. (Fall.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

834: Advanced Aeronautics:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

Typical airplane structures. Analysis of load factors, critical loads,
and forces in airplane structures. Investigation of assumed design in accordance
with the requirements for approved type certificate promulgated by
the Bureau of Air Commerce. (Winter.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

835: Airplane Structures:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

Analysis of stresses in statically determinate airplane structures. Design
of fused, glued, riveted, and bolted joints or fittings. Spars, torque tubes,
struts and ties. Materials and methods of aircraft construction. (Spring.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

860: Machine Drawing:

7 hours a week.

The work of this course consists of a weekly lecture and six hours a week
in the drawing laboratory. The lectures are largely descriptive of the various
elements of machinery and mechanisms. The laboratory work is
primarily individual, and such topics as spur, bevel and worm gearing, belt
drives, cams, bearings, etc., are considered. Free-hand sketching of various
machines in the Departmental shops, and their layout is taken up, and a
considerable portion of the time is devoted to empirical design and redesign
from a commercial standpoint. (Spring.)

Associate Professor Hesse and Mr. Hahn.

863: Metallography of Iron and Steel:

3 hours a week.

This is a practice course involving the study of the structure of pure
metals, of cast iron, wrought iron and steel after subjection to various forms
of heat treatment. The determination of thermal critical points in straight
carbon and alloy steels. Cooling curves of pure metals and alloys. Case
studies of failures. (Spring.)

Professor Macconochie.

866: Machine Design Laboratory:

6 hours a week.

Application of the principles acquired in Course 816 to specific problems
in power transmission, structures and frames, and machinery. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Hesse and Mr. Hahn.

867-868: Engineering Design:

7 hours a week.

The solution of various problems in the design of machinery and machine
elements is attempted. Such topics as the design of a flywheel for a reciprocating
engine, unequal addendum gearing, hoisting equipment, linkages for
replacing cam-actuated members, worm gear reducers, etc., are taken up.
The work is largely individual, with a single lecture per week. (Fall and
Spring.) This course sequence will not be given after session of 1936-37.

Associate Professor Hesse and Mr. Hahn.


Page 346

869: Engineering Shop Practice:

6 hours a week.

Application of the principles of Course 819 in the Machine Shop of the
Department. (Spring.)

Professor Macconochie and Associate Professor Hesse.

885: Aeronautics Laboratory:

6 hours a week.

Theory and operating technique of wind tunnels. Construction of aerodynamic
models for wind tunnel tests. Wind tunnel tests of lift and of
parasite shapes. Stability and control tests of models of complete airplanes.
Construction and test of typical structures such as box spars, ribs, etc. Investigation
of engine construction through overhaul of typical aeronautical
engines. (Spring.)

Assistant Professor Morse.


Fourth-year students in Mechanical Engineering are required to make a
three-day inspection trip to the Carnegie-Illinois Steel Company and other points
in Pittsburgh, the Tennessee Valley, Tidewater Virginia, or other selected region.
Included in the last mentioned itinerary are the Langley Memorial Aeronautical
Laboratories, the Newport News Shipyard, the Mariners' Museum and the Norfolk
Navy Yard.


900: Elements of Electrical Engineering:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures treating fundamental principles of Electrical Engineering; basic
ideas and fundamental units discussed; magnetic circuits and continuous electric
currents treated in detail; electromagnetism carefully studied. Special attention
is given to the physical conceptions involved, and numerous assigned problems
exemplify and broaden the theoretical discussions. 3 hours per week of
supervised problem work, 2:30-5:30, M. (Spring.)

Professor Rodman and Dr. L. R. Quarles.

901: Direct Current Machines:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on the theory, construction, characteristics, and operation of direct
current generators and motors and the necessary apparatus required for the
proper management and control of these machines. The principles of testing such
machines are carefully discussed. Problems illustrating the methods of calculation
involved in continuous current circuits and practical examples from standard engineering
practice form an important part of the work. 3 hours per week of supervised
problem work, 2:30-5:30, T. (Fall.)

Professor Rodman and Dr. L. R. Quarles.

902: Periodic Currents:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on electrostatic phenomena, variable currents, alternating currents,
and alternating current circuits, both single and polyphase. A careful study is
made of circuits with periodic currents and their characteristics when resistance,
inductive reactance and capacity reactance are present in their various combinations.


Page 347
Extensive problem work is required to facilitate the treatment of simple
and complex circuits. 3 hours of supervised problem work per week, 2:30-5:30, T.

Professor Rodman and Dr. L. R. Quarles.

903: Alternating Current Machinery:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on balanced and unbalanced polyphase circuits and power measurements
followed by the treatment of theory, construction, characteristics, and operation
of synchronous alternating current generators. The principles of testing such
apparatus under various conditions of loading are discussed, and assigned problem
work illustrates the theory and practice. 3 hours per week of supervised problem
work, 2:30-5:30, T. (Spring.)

Professor Rodman and Dr. L. R. Quarles.

904: Alternating Current Machinery:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

This course is a continuation of 903. The lectures treat more particularly
transformers, synchronous motors and parallel operation of alternating current
generators. Methods of testing are outlined and graphical methods of calculation
and predetermination of operating characteristics are discussed. Problems taken
from engineering practice serve to broaden and fix the theoretical deductions. 3
hours per week of supervised problem work, 2:30-5:30, M. (Fall.)

Professor Rodman and Dr. L. R. Quarles.

905: Alternating Current Machinery:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

This course is a continuation of 903-4. Lectures deal with the theory, construction
and operation of rotary converters, induction, series, and repulsion
motors. Problems are solved to clarify the theory. 3 hours of supervised problem
work per week, 2:30-5:30, M. (Winter.)

Professor Rodman and Dr. L. R. Quarles.

906: Illumination and Photometry:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures on light, its physical properties; illuminants and their characteristics;
shades and reflectors; photometry, standards and apparatus; illumination calculations
for point and surface sources; principles of interior, exterior, decorative, and
scenic illumination. Problems illustrating computations necessary for the consideration
of the Illuminating Engineer are assigned. (Winter.) Optional for
Electronics (920), or Electric Traction (907).

Associate Professor Miller.

907: Electric Traction:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures on the various types of electric motors for traction purposes, controllers
and systems of control, brakes, rolling stock, track, train performance,
and electric railway economics. A discussion with problems of the complete
electrification system for electric railways, including generating apparatus, transmission,
sub-stations and equipment, distribution, and utilization of electrical energy
for car propulsion. (Winter.) Optional for Advanced Electronics (920), or
Illumination and Photometry (906-956).

Professor Rodman.


Page 348

908: Electronics:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

A study of the construction, characteristics and applications of the various
electron tubes. Special emphasis is placed on the use of such tubes
in industrial power and control circuits. (Spring.)

Dr. L. R. Quarles.

909: Electrical Engineering Practice:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

This course covers the fundamental principles involved in the design of
electrical systems for light and power; installation of circuits; industrial and
commercial lighting; application of motors and control to industrial problems;
overhead and underground distribution systems; circuit protection; metering
arrangements; indoor and outdoor substations. Each student will be required
to prepare detail designs and drawings for a typical installation.

Associate Professor Miller.

910: Direct Current Systems:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures dealing with the fundamentals of electrical circuits and direct current
machinery. Problem work accompanies the lectures. The course is essentially
for the non-electrical engineering students. (Fall.)

Professor Rodman and Dr. L. R. Quarles.

911-912: Alternating Current Systems:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures covering the fundamentals of alternating current circuits and machinery.
Brief expositions of the subjects of electric lighting and power fundamentals.
For non-electrical engineering students. (Winter and Spring.)

Professor Rodman and Dr. L. R. Quarles.

916-917-918: Advanced Alternating Current Machinery:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

A more detailed study of advanced character dealing with alternating current
machinery under abnormal conditions of service with attention to the more
refined problems involved. Optional for Electrical Communication (940-941-942).
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Rodman.

920: Advanced Electronics:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

A course of lectures dealing with the general subject of electronics, its developments
and applications. (Winter.) Optional for Illumination and Photometry
(906-956), or Electric Traction (907).

Dr. L. R. Quarles.

925: Electric Transients:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

A course dealing with transients as they are encountered in varied electric
circuits with both lumped and distributed constants; an introduction to the operational
method as applied to electrical circuit theory. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Miller.

930-931-932: Electric Power Transmission:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

A study of the problems involved in modern electric power transmission.
Treating the inductance and capacity of lines, aerial and underground; corona;


Page 349
steady state solutions for short and long lines; consideration of stability power
limits and factors entering into the operation of complete power systems. (Fall,
Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Miller.

940-941-942: Electrical Communication:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

A course dealing with the general subject of electrical communication of
intelligence by wire and wireless telegraph and telephone with emphasis on the
theoretical details of the subject. Treatment of the various mechanisms and
circuits utilized with particular reference to the vacuum tube engineering. (Fall,
Winter, Spring.) Optional with Advanced A. C. Machinery (916-917-918),

Dr. L. R. Quarles.


950-951: Direct Current Laboratory:

5 hours a week.

This course supplements 900-1. The laboratory work is devoted to a study
of electrical instruments, their use and manipulation; simple electrical circuits
and study of direct current apparatus and its operation; characteristics of generators
and motors. (Spring and Fall.)

Associate Professor Miller and Dr. L. R. Quarles.

952-953-954-955: Alternating Current Laboratory:

5 hours a week.

This course supplements 902-3-4-5, dealing with measuring instruments for
alternating current circuits; series and parallel circuits and their characteristics;
polyphase circuits, balanced and unbalanced; and alternating current generator,
motor and transformer characteristics. Work is also included on electronic tube
characteristics for both direct and alternating current operation. (Winter, Spring,
Fall, Winter.)

Associate Professor Miller and Dr. L. R. Quarles.

956: Photometric Laboratory.

2 hours a week.

This course accompanies 906. Photometric tests are made upon different
types of incandescent lamps. The operating characteristics of incandescent and
arc lamps are studied. Tests of illumination, interior and exterior, are carried
out. Study of photometric standards and devices. (Winter.)

Associate Professor Miller.

960-961: Electrical Laboratory:

5 hours a week.

This course supplements 910-11-12. The work of the first term is devoted to
direct current tests; the second term exercises are on alternating current circuits
and machines. (Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Miller and Dr. L. R. Quarles.

966-967-968: Advanced Electrical Machinery Laboratory:

4 hours a week.

This course supplements 916-17-18. Special tests are carried out with emphasis
upon original work by the student. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Rodman and Associate Professor Miller.


Page 350

975: Transient Laboratory:

4 hours a week.

A course supplementing 925. It deals largely with oscillographic study of
illustrative transient circuit phenomena of varied types. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Miller.

980-981: Electric Power Transmission Laboratory:

4 hours a week.

A course supplementing 930-1-2 and dealing with certain phenomena encountered
in transmission circuits as they may be subjected to test on artificial
lines. (Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Miller.

990-991-992: Electrical Communication Laboratory:

4 hours a week.

A course supplementing 940-1-2 and devoted to various special tests of communication
circuits and apparatus. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Dr. L. R. Quarles.