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950-951. Direct Current Laboratory. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

This course supplements 900-1. The laboratory work is devoted to a study
of electrical instruments, their use and manipulation; simple electrical circuits and
study of direct current apparatus and its operation; characteristics of generators
and motors. (Winter, Spring.)

953-954-965. Alternating Current Laboratory. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

This course supplements 902-3-4-15, dealing with measuring instruments for
alternating current circuits; series and parallel circuits and their characteristics;
polyphase circuits, balanced and unbalanced; and alternating current generator,
motor and transformer characteristics. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

956. Photometric Laboratory. [Rodman.]

2 hours a week.

This course accompanies 906. Photometric tests are made upon different
types of incandescent lamps. The operating characteristics of incandescent and
arc lamps are studied. Tests of illumination, interior and exterior, are carried
out. Study of photometric standards and devices. (Fall.)

960-961. Electrical Laboratory. [Miller.]

5 hours a week.

This course supplements 910-11. The work of the first term is devoted
to direct current tests; the second term exercises are on alternating current
circuits and machines. (Fall, Winter.)


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990-991-992. Electrical Communication Laboratory. [Rodman and Miller.]

4 hours a week.

A course supplementing 940-1-2 and devoted to various special tests of
communication circuits and apparatus. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)