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Page 255

FOR 1912.

The session will begin Thursday, June 20th, and close Saturday,
Aug. 3rd, 1912. Thursday, June 20th, will be devoted to the registration
of students. All students should register on this day. The
entire faculty of the Summer School will be in the room adjoining
the Registrar's office during June 20th, for consultation. Students
should consult freely with members of the faculty in case of difficulty
in choosing courses. No certificate will be granted to students
who fail to register before Thursday, June 27th.

Fees.—No registration fee will be charged.

A tuition fee of five dollars will be charged for admission to
each course in the groups above denominated as receiving University
credit or credit on the Summer School Professional Certificate or
credit on the Special Certificate.

A single fee of six dollars will be charged to Virginia students
for the courses (not more than five) taken in one summer from the
group counting towards the Professional Elementary Certificate—
Grammar Grades—or the Professional Elementary Certificate—
Primary Grades—respectively. All students from other States than
Virginia will be charged ten dollars.

A single fee of six dollars will be charged for the courses (not
more than six) taken from the group of elementary courses which
prepare for the First Grade Certificate examination, to all students
from other States than Virginia. The Department of Public Instruction
of Virginia has provided by special appropriation that Virginia
teachers shall pay only three dollars for the courses (not more
than six) selected from this group.

Students not desiring credit will be charged at the same rate.

Credit.—Certificates will be granted in each course in the University
Department to those students who attain a grade of 75%.
This grade will be the average of the recitation and examination
marks. No student will be permitted to take more than three
courses for the Summer School Professional Certificate or University
credit without the permission of the director.

The Summer School Professional Certificate.—The following
regulations with reference to the Summer School Professional Certificate
have been passed by the State Board of Examiners: "That


Page 256
the work for the Summer School Professional Certificate shall not
be given at any of the summer schools except at the University of
Virginia Summer School. Entrance to the work leading to the
Summer School Professional Certificate shall be restricted to those
holding First Grade Certificates or to those holding High School
Certificates who have had at least six months teaching experience.
To procure such certificate the applicant shall study at the University
of Virginia Summer School or one of similar rank for at least
two sessions of six weeks each and shall make an average of 75 per
cent on class work and examination in six courses other than elementary
school subjects. Such certificates shall continue in force
for seven years, subject to renewal from time to time. The six
courses required shall include at least four subjects. One of the
six courses required for the Summer School Professional Certificate
shall be taken in the subject of English, another shall be taken in
Education. The other four courses shall be chosen from any of the
following groups, provided that not more than two of the six courses
shall be chosen from any one group; Subjects in Industrial Education;
Science; Mathematics; History; Education and Philosophy;
Language." Industrial Education includes Agriculture, Manual
Training, Drawing, and Domestic Economy.

Special Certificate.—Any teacher who complies with the entrance
requirements for the Summer School Professional Certificate
as given above, and who attends the University Summer School for
two sessions of six weeks each and completes satisfactorily at least
one course in Educational Psychology, and in addition three courses
in any one subject, to be selected from courses prescribed for this
certificate in the University Department, will be given a Special
Certificate to teach the subject specialized in. This certificate will
be good for five years and renewable from time to time.

Professional Elementary Certificates.—Two Professional Elementary
Certificates will be issued by the Virginia State Board of Examiners:
The Professional Elementary Certificate—Primary Grades;
and the Professional Elementary Certificates—Grammar Grades.
These certificates will be issued for a term of seven years and will
be renewable for a similar period from time to time.

The requirements for entrance to the work leading to the Professional
Elementary Certificates are the same as those for the Summer
School Professional Certificate as outlined above. In addition
to the completion of the courses below leading to the Professional
Elementary Certificates, a teacher must have had at least nine
months successful experience in Primary or Grammar Grade school
teaching, as certified to by the superintendent and principal, before
the certificate can be issued.


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Credit Allowed by Other States than Virginia.—Application has
been made to other Southern States for credit equal to that accorded
by the Virginia Board of Examiners. Credits are now allowed
toward the extension of the certificates by certain other
States. Some States authorize the University Summer School instructors
to hold State examinations. In other States arrangements
may be made upon application of the teachers from those States.
All persons wishing to arrange for credits with their respective
school authorities should correspond with the Director of the Summer

University of Virginia Credit.—Below are stated the conditions
upon which credit in the University of Virginia may be granted for
work done in the Summer School.

(a) The student must satisfy the entrance examination requirements
of the University of Virginia and matriculate before he can
receive credit in the College for any work done in the University
of Virginia Summer School.

(b) The Dean of the College will accept the completion of the
courses in the Summer School in lieu of the entrance examinations
in the same subject, provided that in his judgment the courses are
equivalent to those required for entrance to the University of Virginia,
and provided, that the certificates of courses completed be approved
by the University of Virginia professor concerned.

(c) The Dean of the College and the professor in charge of the
school in which credit is desired will accept certificates of completion
of summer courses in lieu of "A" courses in the University
of Virginia, provided that such summer courses be approved by the
University of Virginia professor concerned as the full equivalent
in character and scope of the corresponding "A" courses in the

(d) Certificates of completion of certain summer courses approved
by the Academic Faculty will be accepted in lieu of portions
of "B" courses, provided that in each case the Dean of the College,
the Faculty Committee on Degrees, and the professor in charge of
the courses for which credit is desired certify in writing that the
summer courses completed are equivalent in character and scope to
that portion of the regular sessional work for which credit is desired.

(e) The character of the examinations and the numerical standard
(75 per cent) required for their successful completion shall be
the same as those of the sessional examinations.


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Courses which were taken for University Credit 1911.—Astronomy
1, 2, 3, 4; Biology 1, 2, 3, 4; Chemistry 3, 4; Latin 5, 6, 7; English
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; French 1, 2; German 1, 2; Mathematics 1,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7; Philosophy 1, 2, 3; Physics 5, 6; Psychology 1, 2.

No student applying for University credit was allowed to take
more than three courses in one summer, except by permission of
the Director of the Summer School.

It is the desire of the Summer School management to provide
a sufficient number of University credit courses to enable any student
in three summer sessions to earn one year's work towards his
B. A. degree. Those wishing University credit which does not appear
above, should correspond with the Director of the Summer

Teachers' Positions.—The University Bureau of Appointments receives
more demands for men teachers than it is ever able to fill. This
Committee will be glad to have well qualified teachers who are in
attendance upon the Summer School leave their applications with
the Director, who is a member of the Committee.

Board and Rooms.—Board and rooms may be had at prices
ranging from $3.50 per week, where several stay in the same room,
upwards, according to accommodations, the average being $4.50 per
week. Many of the boarding-houses are situated on, or immediately
adjoining, the university grounds. A limited number of students
may, upon application, procure rooms in the university buildings at
a nominal rental to cover actual expenses of furniture and attendance.
The Commons, the handsome new dining hall on the university
grounds, is now at the service of Summer School students.
The cost of board in the dining hall will not exceed $4.00 per week.
Applications should be made as early as possible.

Reduced Railway Rates.—All students coming to the Summer
School from points south and west of Virginia should apply several
weeks in advance to their local agents for reduced rates. In case
the agent has received no instructions for selling reduced rate tickets
to Charlottesville, Virginia, the Director of the Summer School
should be written to promptly for information.