University of Virginia Library



[Moses might lead to Jordan's tide]

Arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, &c. —i. 2.

Moses might lead to Jordan's tide,
But there surrenders his command;
Our Joshua must the waves divide,
Bring us into the promised land:
Train'd by the law, we see our place,
We gain the' inheritance by grace.



[The land of uprightness]

Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread, &c. —i. 3.

The land of uprightness
I set my foot upon,
By faith I touch it, Lord, and seize,
And take it for my own!


[The promise to myself I take]

I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. —i. 5.

The promise to myself I take,
Me, me Thou never wilt forsake
Who on Thy Son depend:
Thy faith is plighted to my Lord,
And safe I hang upon the word
Of mine eternal Friend.


[By faith I on His strength lay hold]

Be thou strong and very courageous, &c. —i. 7.

By faith I on His strength lay hold,
And walk in Christ my way,
Divinely confident, and bold
His perfect law to' obey;
I shall perform His utmost will,
As sure as God is true,
And do the thing impossible
Which Jesus bids me do.


[Arm'd with the presence of my Lord]

Be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid, &c. —i. 9.

Arm'd with the presence of my Lord
I must be of good cheer,
Confiding in Thy faithful word,
I cannot faint or fear:
Go with me then where'er I go,
And lo! I sink, and rise,
And pass the gates of hell below,
And mount to paradise.



[Chief Captain of Jehovah's host]

As Captain of the host of the Lord am I now come. —v. 14.

Chief Captain of Jehovah's host,
Jehovah we adore,
In Thee our real Joshua trust,
And prove Thy matchless power;
We now embrace and follow Thee
By Thy great Father given:
Led on to certain victory,
To holiness, and heaven.


[Shall our corruptions stand]

On the seventh day they compassed the city seven times. —vi. 15.

Shall our corruptions stand,
Till death the walls o'erthrow?
Who bow to Joshua's high command,
We have not learn'd Him so:
We compass them about,
Day after day surround,
And wait the' appointed sign to shout,
The trumpet's sacred sound:
We wait in patient pain,
Our toilsome week fulfil;
Yet still the walls entire remain,
And undemolish'd still:
But though our nature's haste
Can never sin remove,
The seventh is the day of rest,
And brings the perfect love.


[Then let us urge our way]

When the people heard the sound of the trumpet, &c. —vi. 20.

Then let us urge our way,
And work, and suffer on,
Nor dream, the first, or second, day
Will throw the bulwarks down:


We on the sacred morn
Our sevenfold toil repeat,
Expecting that the latest turn
Our labour shall complete.
Then, then we shall obtain
The victory one and all,
The number of perfection gain,
And see the city fall,
Partakers of our hope
Our calling's glorious prize,
To finish'd holiness go up,
And then to paradise.

When God pleases. J. W.


[Jesus, as taught by Thee I plead]

What wilt Thou do unto Thy great name? —vii. 9.

Jesus, as taught by Thee I plead,
If vanquish'd by my foes I am,
My foes, which on Thy servant tread,
Will pour contempt on Thy great name:
Ah! leave me not engaged in fight
To lose my shield, and turn my back,
But arm with all Thy Spirit's might,
And save me—for religion's sake!


[What profits prayer itself, unless]

Get thee up: wherefore liest thou upon, &c. —vii. 10, 11.

What profits prayer itself, unless
We put the cursed thing away?
Lord, let us first the sin redress,
And then against the judgment pray.


[The secret curse, the bosom sin]

Thou canst not stand before thine enemies, &c. —vii. 13.

The secret curse, the bosom sin
Through faith in Jesus I remove,
And sure the victory to win,
And more than conqueror to prove,


'Gainst Satan and the world I go,
(My Lord hath both for me o'ercome,)
And trample on my latest foe,
And march with Christ triumphant home.


[Lord, if some secret sin of mine]

Achan was taken. —vii. 18.

Lord, if some secret sin of mine
Doth now for public judgments call,
Obstruct the course of grace Divine,
And bring Thy righteous wrath on all;
Before the dreadful day o'ertake,
When sinners shall their doom receive,
O may I here confess, forsake,
Abhor the cursed thing, and live.


[“I saw, and coveted, and took!”]

When I saw, then I coveted them, and took them. —vii. 21.

I saw, and coveted, and took!”
The progress this of every sin;
While death, admitted by a look,
Lets everlasting judgments in:
But if an eye of faith on Thee
I turn, directed by Thy word,
Jesus mine Advocate I see,
I see, desire, and take my Lord.


[Condemn'd to die, of death afraid]

Joshua made peace with them, and made, &c. —ix. 15.

Condemn'd to die, of death afraid,
Our heavenly Joshua we address,
In rags of our own vileness clad,
Undone, if Thou refuse us peace,
But if Thy hand, Thy word Thou give,
We may, we shall for ever live.



[Besieged by all the powers of night]

The men of Gibeon sent unto Joshua, &c. —x. 6.

Besieged by all the powers of night
For having made a peace with God,
Unequal to our foes in fight,
To Joshua in His high abode
Our prayers, as messengers, we send,
And trust Thou wilt Thine own defend.
Slack not Thine hand, but hasten down
To save Thy servants in distress,
By mercy bound to help Thine own,
Bound by Thy covenant of peace,
Thou canst not fail the souls, who trust
That Thou art good, that Thou art just.


[Jesus, Thy sovereign will]

Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon. —x. 12.

Jesus, Thy sovereign will
Doth nature's course control;
O bid my sun of life stand still,
And stop my parting soul:
My soul in life detain,
Till Thou hast all subdued,
Avenged me of my foes, and slain
The whole accursed brood.
O that the work were done,
That sin were all destroy'd!
How swiftly should I then go down,
How gladly set in God:
Sure with the morning rays
Of that great day to rise,
And bright with borrow'd glory blaze
Eternal in the skies.



[Pride, and nature's various lusts]

Put your feet upon the necks of these kings. —x. 24.

Pride, and nature's various lusts
O'er infidels may reign,
We, who serve the Lord of hosts,
Their slavish yoke disdain;
See the tyrants fierce o'erthrown,
Compell'd by Joshua to submit,
All our sins we trample down
As dirt beneath our feet.


[Jesus, command us to draw near]

Come near, put your feet upon the necks of these kings. —x. 24.

Jesus, command us to draw near,
With confidence that casts out fear,
To trample on our foes o'erthrown,
To tread the kings of Canaan down,
As sharers of Thy victory,
And more than conquerors through Thee.
Thy mighty arm, in Israel's sight,
Hath put the alien hosts to flight,
Hath seized the chiefs, and captive led
Or but for execution freed;
Thine arm hath dragg'd them out again,
To fall, and die for ever slain.
But first, through virtue of Thy word,
And strong in our almighty Lord,
Before their final doom they meet,
Upon their necks we set our feet,
The tyrant-lusts and passions spurn,
Which rule in all of woman born.


[Jesus, now on sin we tread]

Afterward Joshua smote them, and slew them. —x. 26.

Jesus, now on sin we tread,
But still we look to Thee:
Conqueror of our foes, proceed
To more than victory.


Spirit and soul-dividing Word,
Thine utmost energy display,
Smite them with Thy two-edged sword,
And sin for ever slay.


[Joshua from above, Thy will]

He left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all. —x. 40.

Joshua from above, Thy will
Concerning us we know,
Thou wilt the destruction seal
Of all our sins below;
None shall in our flesh remain,
All shall die a perfect death
By Thy brightest presence slain,
And by Thy glorious breath.


[Grace which sure salvation brings]

Joshua made war a long time with all those kings. —xi. 18.

Grace which sure salvation brings,
Doth long the war maintain,
Fights those other lords and kings,
Who over us did reign:
He who leads the hosts of God,
Conquers, and reconquers all,
Till by Joshua's sword destroy'd
They into nothing fall.


[Come, victorious Captain, come]

At that time came Joshua, and cut off the Anakims. —xi. 21.

Come, victorious Captain, come
In Thine appointed day,
Execute their righteous doom,
The sons of Anak slay;
Now these tallest giants kill,
Who longest in the land abide,
All my stubbornness of will,
And all my strength of pride.



[Jesus, full of truth and grace]

Joshua took the whole land, and gave it, &c. —xi. 23.

Jesus, full of truth and grace,
Among the sanctified
The true Israelitish race,
Thou dost the land divide:
O might I, even I obtain
The bliss to all Thy people given,
Bless'd, for ever bless'd, to gain
The meanest lot in heaven.


[We wrestle not with flesh and blood]

The land rested from war. —xi. 23.

We wrestle not with flesh and blood,
The world and Satan are subdued,
And can no more molest,
When Christ hath made an end of sin,
And brought His hallow'd people in
To that remaining rest.
Intestine wars and fightings cease,
When Jesus doth with perfect peace
His throne in us maintain,
King of the saints beneath, above,
In all the majesty of love
He shall for ever reign.


[Kept by the almighty Lord]

Behold, the Lord hath kept me alive, &c. —xiv. 10.

Kept by the almighty Lord,
My Keeper I admire,
(Christ by highest heaven adored)
And praise Him in the fire;
Who so long hast saved me here,
A few more days preserve Thine own,
Till by Thee prepared to' appear,
And sing before Thy throne.



[Backward alas, too long, and slack]

How long are you slack to go to possess, &c. —xviii. 3.

Backward alas, too long, and slack
To' accept the grace bestow'd,
The pardon now we gladly take,
The purity of God;
Boldly go up, in Jesu's name
Our portion to possess,
And confident, the land we claim
Of perfect righteousness.


[Let heaven my sad confession hear!]

When he that doth flee unto one of those cities, &c. —xx. 4.

Let heaven my sad confession hear!
I at the city's gate appear,
All stain'd with guiltless blood!
Alas, I have my brother slain,
And knew not that the slaughter'd Man
Was the eternal God.
A trembling, persecuted slayer,
Father, I now my cause declare;
Admit the fugitive,
From vengeance screen'd by Christ alone
And in Thy well-beloved Son
Let me for ever live.


[Holy and Just, I fly to Thee]

They appointed Kedesh [i.e. holy]. —xx. 7.

Holy and Just, I fly to Thee,
Thy name shall my protection be,
When guilty terrors press;
I leave the' avenger far behind,
Soon as by humble faith I find
The Lord my righteousness!


[Sole Governor of earth and skies]

They appointed Shechem [i.e. a shoulder]. —xx. 7.

Sole Governor of earth and skies,
The burden on Thy shoulder lies
Who all our sins didst bear,


Securely shelter'd in Thy breast,
Hid by almighty Love, I rest,
Thine everlasting care.


[Thee, Saviour, I my refuge make]

They appointed Hebron [i.e. fellowship]. —xx. 7.

Thee, Saviour, I my refuge make;
And when Thy nature I partake,
And all Thy fulness feel,
From fear, and sin, and sorrow free,
In perfect fellowship with Thee
I shall for ever dwell.


[Jesus, Thy name my Bezer stands]

They assigned Bezer [i.e. a fortification]. —xx. 8.

Jesus, Thy name my Bezer stands,
A fort which earth and hell commands,
To trembling sinners given;
Salvation doth, as walls, surround,
And I, within these bulwarks found,
Shall mount from hence to heaven.


[Thee, Saviour-Prince, our souls adore]

They assigned Ramoth [i.e. high, exalted]. —xx. 8.

Thee, Saviour-Prince, our souls adore,
Exalted by almighty power
To succour and forgive!
We now are to our city come,
And by Thy death returning home,
We soon in heaven shall live.


[Who to Thy wounds for refuge flee]

They assigned Golan [i.e. joy, exultation]. —xx. 8.

Who to Thy wounds for refuge flee,
Pardon'd we glory, Lord, in Thee,
With ecstasies unknown,
Fulness of joy in Thee possess,
And lodged within Thine arms confess
That Thou and heaven are one.



[Subscribing to Jehovah's word]

One of you shall chase a thousand. —xxiii. 10.

Subscribing to Jehovah's word
The feeblest Israelite,
Led on by his almighty Lord,
Shall put an host to flight:
By faith the promise I receive
From age to age the same,
And conqueror of the world I live,
Who trust in Jesu's name.


[Pass a few swiftly-fleeting years]

I am going the way of all the earth. —xxiii. 14.

Pass a few swiftly-fleeting years,
And all that now in bodies live,
Shall quit, like me, the vale of tears,
Their righteous sentence to receive:
But all, before they hence remove,
May mansions for themselves prepare
In that eternal house above:
And O! my God, shall I be there!


[Jesus, Thy perfect love reveal]

You know in all your hearts, &c. —xxiii. 14.

Jesus, Thy perfect love reveal,
My Alpha and Omega be,
And I Thy blessèd words shall feel,
And witness them fulfill'd in me:
“Nothing hath fail'd of all the good,
My Saviour hath perform'd the whole,
I know it in my heart renew'd,
I know it in my sinless soul!”


[Lord, that I may truly fear]

Fear the Lord, and serve Him in sincerity, &c. —xxiv. 14.

Lord, that I may truly fear,
Serve Thee with an heart sincere,
Me with legal awe inspire,
Give the thing Thou dost require:


But that I may worship Thee
With the best sincerity,
Sin by holiness remove,
Servile fear by perfect love.


[Willing made my God to' obey]

Put away the gods which your fathers served, &c. —xxiv. 14.

Willing made my God to' obey,
Now I put my sins away,
Now with every idol part,
Serve Thee with my life and heart:
But that I may serve aright,
Let me in Thy will delight,
Serve a Father reconciled,
Serve as Thy beloved child.


[Trusting in the strength Divine]

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. —xxiv. 15.

Trusting in the strength Divine
I vow to serve the Lord,
Christ shall be by me and mine
Acknowledged and adored:
Jesus, to my house and me
Now let Thy salvation come,
Now prepare our hearts to be
Thine everlasting home.