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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CCXLV. Ezekiel, Chap. XXXVII.

CCXLV. Ezekiel, Chap. XXXVII.

The Resurrection of the dry Bones.

And now the Pow'r Divine the Prophet bore,
Unto a spacious Plain unknown before:
It seem'd the mournful Region of the Dead,
With Sculls and human Bones around 'twas spread:
A Dust they seem'd, no moisture did remain,
As of an Host long since in Battel slain:
Can these dry Bones, said God, to Life arise?
O Lord! thou only know'st, the Saint replies:
Go prophesie agen, Jehovah said,
To these forgotten Reliques of the Dead,
And bid 'em live!—They shall thy Voice obey,
And breath, and move, and taste the chearful Day.


Ezekiel goes, and with an awful Voice,
His Message tells—when loe! a wond'rous Noise!
Earth shakes beneath, and Ecchoes to the Sound,
Trembled the Bones and clatter'd on the Ground.
Each to his Fellow makes, and moves along,
Nor any lost nor wilder'd in the Throng:
Their antient Seats, tho' long forgotten find,
Exactly to their well-known Cells rejoyn'd.
The Sinews first are firmly strung within,
Next the strong Joynts, and all inclos'd with Skin.


Yet still there wants to animate the whole
That spring of Action, a self-moving Soul.
Go call the Winds, said God, the Winds shall blow,
And on th'Organic Bodies, Life bestow.
—He call'd—the Winds from their four Hinges ran,
And breath'd upon the slain, the slain began
To feel and move, at once new Breath they found,
At once they leapt to Life and left the Ground:
A num'rous Army they, equipp'd for fight,
Cov'ring the Plain, and stretch'd beyond the Sight.
When thus did God explain the strange Event,
These Bones the House of Israel represent:
They cry, their Hopes are lost, their Life is fled,
Their Bones are dry, and mingled with the Dead:
Thus saith the Lord, I'll open Israel's Grave!
Thence will I call you, thence my People save:
To your own Land my Spirit shall you restore,
To constant Seats, nor shall you wander more.
Agen Jehovah bids two Rods prepare,
And Israel's Name inscribe, and Judah's there.
Then joyn in one—for thus, says God, I'll joyn
My favour'd People's long divided Line;
To Canaan's happy Fields agen I'll bring,
And David's promis'd Son shall be their Prince and King.