University of Virginia Library

PSALM 120. (C. M.) Complaint of quarrelsome Neighbours; or, a devout Wish for Peace.


Thou God of love, thou ever-blest,
Pity my suffering state;
When wilt thou set my soul at rest
From lips that love deceit?


Hard lot of mine! my days are cast
Among the sons of strife,
Whose never-ceasing brawlings waste
My golden hours of life.


O might I fly to change my place,
How would I choose to dwell
In some wide lonesome wilderness,
And leave these gates of hell.


Peace is the blessing that I seek,
How lovely are its charms!
I am for peace; but when I speak,
They all declare for arms.


New passions still their souls engage,
And keep their malice strong:
What shall be done to curb thy rage,
O thou devouring tongue!


Should burning arrows smite thee thro',
Strict justice would approve;
But I had rather spare my foe,
And melt his heart with love.

I hope the transposition of several verses of this psalm is no disadvantage to this imitation of it. Nor will the spirit of the gospel, and charity at the end, render it less agreeable to christian ears.