University of Virginia Library


A Recantation.


Forgive me Love, what have I done!
Abus'd the Stars, Eclips'd the Sun;
And rashly call'd a Wandring light
The Star whence true love borrows light:
Yet mark the jest, She thinks that I
Speak truth, and dote; Love knows I lie.


Will you not give men leave to sport,
Alas, my heart commands a fort,
Whence all the artillery of your Eyes
Can make no breach, much lesse a prize:
How subtle Ladies now are grown!
Yet caught in Engines of their own.


My heart's no Coward, you shall see,
To yield, because you shot at mee;
A man o're come so quickly may
Be taken pris'ner every day:
Then Lady boast not of your prize,
My heart still in his castle lyes.