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Collected poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt

Edited by Kenneth Muir and Patricia Thomson

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[To whom should I sue to ease my payne?]

To whom should I sue to ease my payne?
To my mystres? Nay, nay, certayne!
For feare she should me then disdayne
I dare not sue, I dare not sue.
When I should speake to my mystres
In hope for to get redres
When I should speake, when I shold speake.
What hap had I that suffereth payne
And if I myght her grace attayne?
Or els she would here me complayne:
What hap had I, what hap had I?
I fly for feare to be espyed
Or of euil wil to be destroyed


The place wher I would faynest abyde
I fly for feare, I fly for feare.
Though I wer bold who should me blame?
Loue caused me to do the same;
Wyth honesty it were no shame,
Though I were bold, though I were bold.
And here an end, wyth ful glad wyl,
In purpose for to serue her styl,
And for to part I thinke none yl
And here an end, and here an end.