University of Virginia Library

Boner, therefore, who by King Henry
Advanced were and did appear to fly
Upon Romes rotten Carkass, and revoke
The People from subjection to the Pope
Joynd in the setting out Gods holy Word
In English, and on Gardeners Booke spurd
Calld True Obedience, 'gainst the Pope designde
To which he set th'Epistle. Now his minde
Doth yet not blush to turn his stincking tayle
All to defile the same, and doth not faile
To Burn to ashes both the Bible, and
Some hundred Saints that to the Bible stand
Against all stincking stuff of Antichrist
Which this Gunbelly'd Gudgeon up doth hoist
And haveing made himselfe so odious to
The Lord and all good people, now his Woe
Stares in his ghostly face, and Prison'd wax
Fearfull he doth of the Halter, Stake or Axe.
There is no room for turning, Crimes too ---
To be remitted: flies a firy bed
And over seas he hops, Where Vengeance la[yes]
Her fingers on him, Cutting of his Dayes,
In Wretched Obduracy, and as Gods Light
He set against, his Carrion at midnight
Was tumbled in the Pit 'mongst bloody theeves
Mates suited like him, Yet he worse than these.