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Han shih wai chuan

Han Ying's Illustrations of the didactic application of the Classic of songs
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Confucius went out for a stroll in the meadow of Shao-yüan.
There was a woman standing in the middle of a marsh and weeping
most bitterly. Confucius [thought it unusual and][1] sent his
disciples to make inquiries. They said, "Why do you weep so


The woman replied,[2] "Just now I was cutting milfoil for firewood
when I lost my hairpin made of [a stalk of] milfoil. This
is why I was grieved."

The disciples said,[3] "To lose a milfoil hairpin when you are
cutting milfoil for firewood—how is that a cause for grief?"

The woman said, "It is not that I am unhappy at losing the
[value of the] pin; [what grieves me is that][4] I cannot forget the
associations I had with it."[5]


CHy supplies [OMITTED] from TPYL 55.4a and Li Shan's com. on Wên hsüan 55.32b;
likewise KTCY 3. (Chao 220.)


Read [OMITTED] before [OMITTED] as in Li Shan's com. (CHy.)


For [OMITTED] TPYL and Li Shan's com. have [OMITTED]. (CHy); likewise KTCY, but
TPYL 487.7b has [OMITTED]. (Chao.)


Supply [OMITTED] from TPYL 55.4a and 688.5a, and Li Shan's com. (CHy.)
KTCY has [OMITTED]. (Chao.)


KTCY adds [OMITTED] "The
Ode says, `The horse from Tai rejoices in the north wide; / The flying bird soars to
his old nest.' Both are symbols for not forgetting old associations." This quotation
is not from the Shih. The first of the "19 Old Poems" in Wên hsüan 29.1b reads
[OMITTED] "The horse from the Hu [country] rejoices in the north
wind; / The bird from Yüeh builds its nest on a southern branch." Li Shan's com.
quotes the above line as from HSWC, with [OMITTED] "perch" for [OMITTED], and [OMITTED] for [OMITTED].
Again, in Wên hsüan 36.3b, he quotes [OMITTED] as a line from HSWC. Chao
is probably right in saying that the original Shih quotation must have been early lost
from HSWC, and that before the T`ang someone had supplied the lines from the "Old
Poem" as especially suitable. Later on, when it was felt to be out of place, it was