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[The people out of Egypt brought]

Yea, He loved the people: all His saints, &c. —xxxiii. 3.

The people out of Egypt brought,
Whose burdens He removed,
Whom with a thousand pangs He bought,
More than His life He loved.
Stronger than death His love was shown:
And still He doth defend,
And having freely loved His own,
Will love them to the end.
Whom Jesu's blood doth sanctify
Need neither sin nor fear;
Hid in our Saviour's hands we lie,
And laugh at danger near.
His guardian hand doth hold, protect,
And save by ways unknown,
The little flock, the saints elect,
Who trust in Him alone.


Our Prophet, Priest, and King, to Thee
We joyfully submit;
And learn, in meek humility,
Our lesson at Thy feet.
Spirit and life Thy words impart,
And blessings from above;
And drop in every listening heart,
The manna of Thy love.
Now, Lord, with simple faith divine,
Thy lessons we receive,
Rule upon rule, line upon line,
And by Thy Spirit live.
Till late to all Thy life restored,
And ripen'd for the sky,
We hear that last, and sweetest word,
“Go, get thee up and die.”