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The next day after Marye ------
The Door of Popery doth lose its hindge
On which it turn'd and opend to let in
All Mischiefe, Trash, Hell fire, the Man of Sin,
The Cardinall, Calld Poole, which dirty Poole
Was fill'd with flaming fire, not water coole,
Was drained dry upon that very day:
His Vitall Sparke went out down fell his Clay
Soon after Doctor Weston who did Cuff
Away Christ Jesus, when he was so Chuff
A Prolocutor in the Convocation
And also in the Oxford Disputation
With brazen face enough, and answers Stoute
And Stincking too against all those that fought
Most Champion like under Christs Banner there
For Pretious Truth shining in Scripture cleare.
The Scales first turn upon him in the Frown
O'th Cardinall, and th'Bishops. Weston down
Westminsters Deane thou shalt no longer bee
Content thy selfe with Windsors Deanorie.
Hence thither packs: and there he is more ore
Soon apprehended packing with a Whore
And then he's packt from's Spirituall Livings all
Alas poor Weston, Drabd, and Shabd: thus fall!
But he'l not beare it: he appeals to Rome
Will leave the Realm Hence comes another doom
He's Caged in the Tower: and there doth Sty
Untill Elizabeth the bird lets fly.
Who being set at liberty fell Sick
And death so Serv'd him with another Writ.
Christopherson Chichesters Bishops, and
Norwich her Hopton hellish fire brand,
St. Davids Morgan, and Ralfe Bains, brave fry
Bishop of Litchfield and of Coventry
And Owen Oglethorp B: of Carlile
And Cutbert Tunstall Durham's B: that While
Rainolds elect of Hereford who dide
In Prison, White of Winchester beside
To give these blackbirds all a brighter dy
Stethurst master of Oxfords Trinity
Dide in the Tower, Hollond Worcesters Dean
Copinger Monke of Westminster whose brain
Grew weake, and in the Tower dide mad beside
One Steward Deane of Winchester soon dide.
These are the Honours of Her Realm Whose Sprite
Attend upon her Ghost Hobgoblin like
All following a ding dong for her sake
To do her Honour in her Endless lake[.]


------ Bishops, and their biting Curs.
------ their teeth and Chain'd up fast their Spurs
------ cut off as filthy black birds Cag'd
------ the Tower and some else where thus Stagd
------ Death Yorks Archbit Englands Chancellour
------ Thurlby, Elies Bishop martyrer.
------ Watson Lincolns bishop, Gilbert Bourn
------ Bath and Wells fird Such as durst not turn.
---ick Pates the burning Bishop of Worcester
------ Peters Troublefield (a Worthy jester).
Westminsters Abbot, Fecknam a brisk Sirrah,
John Nowall Windsors Dean, and Peterboroughs
------ in the Tower. And also David Poole
Then Peterboroughs B: in some Such Schoole,
Untill the kindness of the Lady Queen
Did somewhat loose the Chain