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Gods Justice also in a glorious Shine
Did set upon the Sheriffs man her fine
Who did revile James Abbs as he did goe
Unto the Stake for Christ, and did bestow
His Cloaths, and gracious Exhortations gave
To Such as did Stand by their Souls to Save.
So that this wretched fellow scorning bad
The people not believe him: He was mad.
He was an Heretick: Spake Heresy.
And in this wise he Spake revilingly.
But now behold when Abbes began to burn
The hand of Justice did upon him turn.
He now fell mad: pulls off his Shooes and Cloaths
And throws them all away, and this forth throws
So did James Abbs, true Servant here of God
Did round about the town of Bury, plod
And said James Abbs is Sav'd; but I am Damnd
The Sheriff now amaizd, doth give Command
To take and ty him, keeps him in the Darke
Puts on his Cloath: yet when they did depart
He plucks them off again, casts them away
And saith again thus did James Abbs, doth say
He was Gods Servant true and Saved is
But I am damnd. Wherefore the Priest at this
Comes to him with his Crucifix, and toyes
Which baggage he when he beheld defies,
As Cause of his Damnation, which he wav'd
And said James Abbs a good man was and Sav'd
And so abode untill his Dying day
Which soon ore tooke him, and him tooke away.


------ Mary Whose bright name
------ Stand in Scutchons all of Flame.
------ its true Conferd this noble Honour
------ happiness to England) upon her
------ it did send her nobles Such before her
------ Tapers flaming in the Way all ore her.
------ Sparkling Spirits, and Hobgoblins sit
That Spit out fire and flames from hells deep pit.
These lead the Van, are Usher in the way
As Torches burning 'gainst her parting day
The petty Coates Westchester had put on her
Whose Breeches could not Cover his dishonour
From Stews to Stoves: Hates Lignum Vitae pure
He's bacte sent to the Hot-House for a Cure
Her Winchester to Straw her way out poures
He being Gardener of all Her flowers.
Dovers Curst Suffragan B Thornton, who
At Canterbury made so many go
Into the fire, is on the Sabbath day
As he beheld his Servant vile at play
Had to's death bed, ------ mind to call
Said so I do, and my Lord Cardinall
And his Successor once the Chancellor
Of Bloody Boner in this firy war
Fell down the Stares as he the blessing met
Of Soole the Cardinall, and brake his neck.
--- arfow of Hereford, With Bangor's Glin
------ to Elect of Sal'sbury, and King
------ Tame to purchase her a Queenly Crown
And Glosters Brookes 'Cause waters should run down
With Bristows Holy-man to Sprinckle all
With Holy waters for to cleare the Hall
---e Enters in, of Spirits Cleane away.
------ here being Night Chichester sends her Day,
And Pluto roasts a Capon at his fire
---t him from Salisbury, well dript in ire
He Studiously provs deth such good cheer
Against her coming in to feast her there
[Th]ese Bishops vile are summond from our Coast
[T]o go as Ushers 'fore her firy Ghost
With Doctor Dunning, Cursed Chancellor
Of Norwich, Bloody Hellish torturer
Of Blessed Saint, who was in Lincolnshiere
Struck dead by Sudden Death within his Chaire.
The Poyson-Berry, Norfolks Commissary
Who had so many Whores that pens are wary
To tell their number lest beliefe should faile
A Butcher of Christs Lambs, and with a flaile
He'd kill a man, two Women with his fist
[G]oes to the mill of Vengeance as a grist
And is ground down to dust as backe he went
From Massing Worship with his Whore intent
Upon a feasting day, in which before
He went to Mass, he Chambered his Whore
------ go before an Honourable throng
---ttend, (She must be waited on
------) they speedily came after
---ll make room, for now we'll come the faster.