For general discussions see R. Rosenblum, Trans-
formations in Late Eighteenth Century Art (Princeton, 1967);
H. Honour, Neoclassicism (Harmondsworth, 1968); C. Justi,
Winckelmann und seine Zeitgenossen, 5th ed. (Cologne,
1956; first ed. 1866-72); and R. Zeitler, Klassizismus und
Utopia (Stockholm, 1954). S. Giedion, Spätbarocker und
romantischer Klassizismus (Munich, 1922), a pioneer book,
is still to be read with profit. See also M. Praz, Gusto
neoclassico (Rome, 1940), trans. as On Neoclassicism (Lon-
don, 1969); J. A. Leith, The Idea of Art as Propaganda in
France 1750-99 (Toronto, 1965); D. Irwin, Winckelmann:
Writings on Art (London and New York, 1972); L. Bertrand,
La Fin du classicisme et le retour à l'antique (Paris, 1897);
and L. Hautecoeur, Rome et la Renaissance de l'antiquité
à la fin du XVIIIe siècle (Paris, 1912).
Painting and sculpture are covered by the following:
E. L. Delécluze, Louis David, son école et son temps (Paris,
1855); J. Locquin, La Peinture d'histoire en France de 1747
à 1785 (Paris, 1912); D. Irwin, English Neoclassical Art
(London and Greenwich, Conn., 1966); M. D. Whinney,
Sculpture in Britain 1530-1830 (Harmondsworth, 1964).
Architecture, partially discussed in some of the above
items, is best covered by E. Kaufmann, Architecture in the
Age of Reason (Cambridge, Mass., 1955); L. Hautecoeur,
Histoire de l'architecture classique en France, 7 vols. in 8
(Paris, 1943-57), Vols. IV and V; J. Summerson, Architecture
in Britain 1530-1830, 4th ed. (Harmondsworth, 1963);
L. V. Meeks. Italian Architecture 1750-1914 (New Haven,
1966); and Talbot Hamlin, Greek Revival Architecture in
America (New York, 1944; also reprint).
References have also been made to the following: Aris-
totle, Poetics, trans. Gilbert Murray (Oxford, 1920), 4, p.
29; Sir Joshua Reynolds, Discourse X (1780), Discourses, ed.
R. Wark (San Marino, Calif., 1959), p. 181; Jonathan Rich-
ardson, “Science of a Connoisseur” (1719), Works (London,
1792), p. 255; J. J. Winckelmann, “On the Imitation of the
Painting and Sculpture of the Greeks,” Reflections on the
Painting and Sculpture of the Greeks, trans. Henry Fuseli
(London, 1765), pp. 30, 264; idem, History of Ancient Art,
trans. G. H. Lodge (Boston, 1880), II, 313.
[See also
Art and Play; Classicism in Literature;
cation of the Arts; Gothic;
Periodization; Renaissance;
Romanticism; Stoicism.]