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The Story of England

by Robert Manning of Brunne, A.D. 1338. Edited from mss. at Lambeth Palace and the Inner Temple, by Frederick J. Furnivall

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De ffrollo, Romano Regente ffrancie.

Frolle, a doughti bacheler,
Had hit in kepyng many a ȝer;
To Romayns byhoue gadered þer rent,
& at termes to Rome hit sent,
Or bar hit hym self to þe Emperour.
ffrolle was a ful hardy man in stour,
He was comen of Romayns blod,
He dredde non þat ageyns hym stod.
Al day tydyng men hym told,
Þat Arthur com wyþ host ful bold,
& þat no man myghte dwelle ne be
But ȝif he helde of hym in fe.
Þat herde ffrolle, & was ful wo,
& seide hit schuld nought þat wey go.
He dide somoune alle to come
Til hym, þat helde þer fe of Rome,
ffor to brynge hors & armes,
Þe lond for to fende fro harmes,
& doughtily to-gydere stande
Ageyn Arthur þat was comande.