University of Virginia Library

Epigr. 23. Ad Thomam Strangwaies.

Strangwaies leaue London & her sweet contents,
Or bring them downe to me to make me glad.
And giue one month to country meriments.
Giue me a fewe daies for the yeeres I had.
The Poets songs and sports we will reade ouer,
Which in their goolden quire they haue resounded
And spill our readings one vpon another,


And read our spillings sweetly so confounded.
Nulam shall lend vs night in midst of day,
When to the euen valley we repaire.
When we delight our selues with talke or play,
Sweete with the infant grasse and virgine ayre.
These in the heate, but in the euen later,
Weele walke the meads, and read trowts in the water.