University of Virginia Library


Come out from heaven, O Lord, and be my guide,
Come, I implore;
To my dark questionings unsatisfied,
Leave me no more,—
No more, O Lord, no more!
Forgetting how my nights and how my days
Run sweetly by,—
Forgetting that thy ways above our ways
Are all so high,—
I cry, and ever cry—
Since that thou leavest not the wildest glen,
For flowers to wait,
How leavest thou the hearts of living men
So desolate,—
So darkly desolate?
Thou keepest safe beneath the wintry snow
The little seed,
And leavest under all its weights of woe,
The heart to bleed,
And vainly, vainly plead.
In the dry root thou stirrest up the sap;
At thy commands
Cometh the rain, and all the bushes clap
Their rosy hands:
Man only, thirsting, stands.
Is it for envy, or from wrath that springs
From foolish pride,
Thou leavest him to his dark questionings
Always unsatisfied?