University of Virginia Library

November 23rd.. Saturday 1805.

The [day] cloudy and calm, a moderate rain the greater
part of the last night, sent out men to hunt this morning and
they killed 3 Bucks rained at intervales all day. I marked
my name the Day of the Month & year on a Beech tree & (By
Land) Capt Lewis Branded his and the men all marked their
nams on trees about the camp. one Indian came up from
their village on some lakes near Haleys bay. In the Evening
7 Indians of the Clatt-sopp nation, opposit came over, they
brought with them 2 Sea orter skins, for which the[y] asked
such high prices we were uneabled to purchase, with [out] reduceing
our small stock of merchindize on which we have to
depend in part for a subsistance on our return home, kiled 4
brant & 3 Ducks to day