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Scene XI.

—The front of the Roman army. The Hastati engaged with the Gauls and Ligurians in the first line of Hannibal's army. The Principes are drawn up behind. Scipio, &c., watching the conflict in front.
A Tribune.
They yield! they yield! Well done, you brave Hastati!
Right! Drive them back upon the Punic line!—
Scipio! give but the word, and in a second,
We're face to face with our true adversary,
Waiting us yonder!

1st Decurion.
Oh, they turn at last!


Their right gives way ... See, like wild boars they rush
To rend their laggard comrades—right, you Celts!
Ay, fight it out between you!

2nd Decurion.
Ha! who's he,
That fiery horseman, spurring to and fro,
Along the Carthaginian line? He points
His hand this way! He cheers them to the charge!

'Tis Hannibal himself—no other.
[A loud shout is heard from the Carthaginian line.]
Their hearts are in that thunder.
[The Carthaginian line advances furiously, and the Hastati begin to fall back in disorder.]
Advance and follow me.

[The Principes advance to the charge.]