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Scene VI.

—The Palace. Gemma on a couch in her chamber, Zilia and Lorenzo watching her. Attendants in the background.
My love, know'st thou me yet? hast thou forgiven?
Do not turn from me!

Oh, my misery!
Unhappy Harold! murdered for my sake!
Oh, Harold! Harold!

Thou hast me to love thee!
Am I no more enough for thee? sweet Gemma,
Are we not still the same?

How couldst thou—oh,
Barbarous Lorenzo! how hadst thou the heart?

Call me not barbarous, Gemma, for I love thee!
I love thee more a thousand times than he did!

So true, so generous! and I stabbed him so,
By my unkindness!

Am I nothing to thee,
My bride, my Gemma?

Cruel, all of you—
Why did you bring me here to make me wretched?
I care not to reign o'er you! Take away
This odious wedding-crown! Go, go, Lorenzo!
From this time forth I hate thee!


Stay, she is raving!
She knows not what she says.

You are mistaken.

Not one of you can comfort me, not one!
No bodiless soul by death just cast adrift
On the wide desert of eternity,
Was ever yet more desolate than I.
Oh, Astrid! Astrid! come to me!

You see
Her mind still wanders. Hark! who 's this that sings
And plays the harp upon the beach to-night?
Go, say the Duchess must not be disturbed.

A Lady.
'T is very sweet—perhaps the sound may soothe her.
See how she sits up with wide listening eyes!

Oh, leave me! for the love of heaven, all leave me!
I am calm again—but let me be alone,
It is the one thing that can do me good.

Shall I not send my son to you? will you not
See him again, and pardon and console him,
Will you not see him, Gemma?

No, no, no!
Leave me! I shall go mad!

(to attendants)
Let us leave her, then.
Perchance it will be best for her, our presence


Just now but serves to irritate her frenzy.
Let us have patience, she will soon amend.

[Exeunt Zilia and attendants.
Mermaids heard singing below.
Come, a tempest of thy years
From a height has cast thee down!
Come to us with all thy tears,
And without thy bridal crown!
Come, the world is not for thee!
All its love is cold as scorn,
And its pity cannot see
That it leaves thee more forlorn.
Come, oh love in misery,
Like a child to be caressed!
Come, poor heart, to live or die,
As its brokenness finds best.
Come, where the sweet moon has told
All her pity to the sea!
On her floating floor of gold,
Lo, we wait and weep for thee!

[Gemma rises and leaves her chamber.