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Timon of Athens

Altered from Shakespear. A tragedy

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TIMON's House.
Evanthe and Flavius.
The general banish'd, and my father fled?

“True, Lady, Alcibiades is banish'd;
“But fear not thou; he leads a gallant troop,
“With hearts high-beating in your father's cause;
“Soon shall you see the haughty Senate humbled,
“Crouching for pardon at Lord Timon's feet;
“And this base city, that now casts him forth,
“With one voice worshipping his glad return.

“Whence springs this hope in you? O! that I felt it!

“Why, Alcibiades is up in arms:
“Dreadful he comes, like an avenging god,
“To chasten this proud city; e're the sun
“Shall tinge yon western cliffs, Athens shall hear
“His trumpet at her gates. Pale staring forms
“Course up and down, and fill the streets with terror.
“But now as I crost Mars's-hill, I met
“Two of the Senate, who with eager speech,
“And almost inarticulate with fear,
“Pray'd me to give them conduct to my Lord,


“Courting my service in most abject terms.

“That's well! Ah! what is well, while wretched Timon
“Houseless and bare, a spectacle of pity,
“Wanders I know not where? come, let us carry
“These last few relicks of a scatter'd fortune
“To thy poor master.

Two Senators enter.
1 Sen.
“Noble lady, stay!

“Off, let me pass.

2 Sen.
“No, we yet rule in Athens;
“And by the Senate's voice, command your stay.

“Shame to your Senate; slavery be your portion,
“And sorrows deep as mine encrease upon you!
“Oh, you have struck the noblest heart in Athens,
“The first, the clearest spirit of the time;
“Him on whose meanest stirrup ye have hung
“With spaniel-like observance; him, whose shrine
“Morning and evening ye have fed with incense,
“While the Gods went unworshipt; him at length
“Mad with his wrongs, ye've driv'n to range the woods
“And vacant wilds; hence then, and let me forth!

2 Sen.
“Lady, it must not be.

“Have you no daughters?
“No sense of filial piety, no mercy?
“That thus relentless you heap crime on crime,
“Murder the father, and enslave the child!

1 Sen.
“Murder the father? no; dear as yourself,
“We prize Lord Timon's life; every fond art
“Will be employ'd to sooth his troubled soul,
“And bring him back to happiness and thee.


“Where is he then? let me behold his face,
“Let me embrace him, bathe him with my tears:
“And doubt not but I'm in your bosoms, Sirs;
“'Tis not repentance for unkindness past;
“'Tis not the hand of mercy turns your hearts
“To think of Timon thus; tis dread of vengeance,
“'Tis Alcibiades that awes your souls,
“'Tis that young warrior, thund'ring at your gates,
“That bids you keep a hostage in your hands
“To mollify his anger.

2 Sen.
“We confess it;
“Our hopes rest all with thee; therefore no more;
“But, like another tutelar Minerva,
“Walk forth and save the city.

1 Sen.
“Yield, dear Lady,
“And from necessity strike out a grace;
“So shall thy father's fortunes be restor'd
“To their first splendor, and thy Athens sav'd
“From pitiless destruction.

2 Sen.
“What we ask,
“We may command.

“No menaces, proud Lords;
“Mercy, not terror, governs in my heart,
“One such word more and you are lost for ever.

“Come, gentle mistress, let thy servant join
“His pray'rs to those of the repentant Senate:
“What profit can thy father's cause derive
“From vain resistance? Pray you be advis'd.

“Hark'ee, my Lords, the rulers as you say
“And senators of Athens; this good man
“Was Timon's steward, let him have free passage
“And instant to his master.

2 Sen.
“It is granted.


“Let him bear all refreshments, viands, wines,
“And costly vestments, such as Timon us'd
“In his full state.

1 Sen.
“'Tis done.

“The thousand talents,
“Which you (O shame!) refus'd, let them be sent
“To the last drachm, and be you the bearers.

2 Sen.
“Is there aught else?

“Upon these terms I yield
“To stay the General's coming: what your exile
“May else inflict, short of your city's ruin
“And slaughter of the guiltless herd within it,
“I know not, nor am studious to divert.

1 Sen.
“Be with us only in this hour of peril,
“We are content.

“Then, Flavius, get thee hence;
“Bear my fond wishes to thy injur'd Lord,
“Comfort the sufferer with thy friendly care,
“And reconcile him to the world again.
