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To them Volusius, entering hastily.
Ha! Volusius,
Thy Looks declare some Message of Importance.

Tullus, they do—I was to find thee, Marcius.
To thee a second Deputation comes,
Thy Mother, and thy Wife, with a long Train
Of all the noblest Ladies Rome can boast,
In mourning Habits clad, approach our Camp,
Preceded by a Herald, to demand
Another Audience of Thee.

How, Volusius!
Said you, the Roman Ladies! Low, indeed,
Must be the State of Rome, when thus her Matrons
She sends amidst the Tumults of a Camp,
To beg Protection for the Men, who lie
Trembling behind their Ramparts—Come! once more!
And see me put an End to Prayers and Treaty!