University of Virginia Library


Scene the royal sepulchre, in which is a range of monumental shrines, those of Agamemnon and Orestes standing most conspicuous, adorned with military trophies, and hung with fresh garlands; the pavement before them being strewed with herbs and flowers.
ELECTRA is discovered, with locks of human hair in one hand, and a golden vessel for sacrificing in the other.
The shrines with garlands hung, the floor around
Strew'd with the fragrant spoils of blooming spring,
These tresses, newly shorn, I consecrate—
And with libations now invoke your ghosts,
Departed heroes!—whether in the skies,
Among your kindred Gods, ye take your seats,
Or dwell with happy shades, where peaceful groves
Their everlasting breezy-umbrage spread,
Vouchsafe acceptance of the solemn rites
A weeping daughter—sister, here performs;
Who longs to join ye in your blissful state,
And to our common persecutors leave


A world that virtue learns apace to scorn.
Where thou, great hero, like the hunted hart,
Panting and groaning on the crimson'd earth,
Dy'd by the hands of violence and guilt.
Where thou, sweet youth, like the fresh-op'ning rose,
Nipt by the blasting breath of chilly morn,
Faded a lovely spoil on foreign land.
Nor present was I to perform my part,
With streaming tears to wash thy stiff'ning limbs,
Perfume the pile with odorif'rous gums,
Light with a hallow'd torch the fun'ral fire,
Collect thy dust, and close it in it's urn.
Those offices by strangers when perform'd,
Depriv'd thy dear remains of kindred dues,
While I with fruitless wishes—fruitless vows—