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SCENE, a Hall.
Enter Lady Capulet and Nurse.
L. Cap.
Hold, take these Keys, and fetch more Spices, Nurse.

They call for Dates and Quinces in the Pastry.


Enter Capulet.
Come, stir, stir, stir, the second Cock hath crowed,
First Mattin's Bell hath rung, 'tis four o'Clock:
Look to the bak'd Meats, good Angelica
Spare not for Cost.

L. Cap.
Go, you Cot-Quean, go;
Get you to-bed; faith you'll be sick To-morrow
For this Night's watching.

No not a whit; what I have watch'd ere now
All Night for a less Cause, and ne'er been sick.

L. Cap.
Ay, you have been a Mouse-hunt in your Time,
But I will watch you, from such watching, now.

[Exit. L. Cap. and Nurse.
A jealous-hood, a jealous-hood—
Good faith 'tis Day
Young Paris will be here with Musick strait,
For so he said he would. I hear him near.
Nurse, Wife, what ho? What Nurse I say?
Enter Nurse.
Go waken Juliet, go, and trim her up,
I'll go and chat with Paris: Hie, make haste,
Make haste, I say.
[Exit. Cap.