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or, A collection of poems. Written between the ages of twelve and seventeen, by J. H. L. Hunt ... Fourth Edition

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[Say, soft Eliza, good as thou art fair]

September 3, 1800.
Say, soft Eliza, good as thou art fair,
Lives one fond hope in Love's distracted breast?
Must still the thrilling horrors of Despair
Fade my wan cheek, and canker all my rest?
Alas! thy tongue, that faulters to conceal,
Thy face averted, and thy tearful eye,
Too soon the rending answer will reveal,
That bids the fond and faithful Henry die!


To leave a world, where disappointment, sighs,
And tears, and anguish, all were left for me,
Is not the sentence that my bosom flies;
No, fair Eliza, 'tis a worse decree:
From that sweet form to tear these streaming eyes,
And live no more to love and live for thee!