University of Virginia Library



“The aconites, and other white flowers of January, the spirits of the dead blooms of summer.” —H. P. Siwäarmill.

The woodland ways were white: the boughs swung low
With weight of snow:
There was a shimmer of dancing golden light,
And through the glow
The goddess Flora moved in sudden flight.
But when she saw the dead blooms everywhere
Laid low i' the mould,
Her sunny wings she did enfold.
Long did she brood amid that woodland bare
And the blooms wither'd there.
Then with a smile she called the snows to her
There was a stir
A falling rustle, as when bird-wings whirr
Aloud i' the thickets in the twilight hour:
And next, a glimmering shower.
Swift mid the green-gloom fleckt with white, she fled:
But where each snowflake fell
There was a happy miracle:
Dead pansies, wind-flowers, violets, once more rose,
But now in white each petal did unclose.