University of Virginia Library



Catharine Gladstone June 14th, 1900.

Go, faithful Heart! be his again once more!
How brief the space of parting! Oh, be free,
Be glad again, where on the further shore
He waits to welcome thee.
Mind conquers mind, and wit, a subtle spark,
Grows dim, and eloquence is soon forgot,
And warriors die, and moulder in the dark,
And men remember not.


Thou hadst no thought for greatness; it was fame
Enough for thee if one was reckoned great;
Enough to keep from fiery shafts of blame
One head inviolate.
God gave thee love whole-hearted, love to thrill
The colder, harder world that girt thee round,
A silent speeding ripple, widening still
To life's extremest bound.