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“How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is
To have a thankless child.”


Come not to me!—thy words are vain,
False as thy treacherous heart within;
Come not to me!—'tis grief, 'tis pain,
To listen to thy voice of sin!
My pardon wouldst thou hope to win,
Blot from my mind thy later years;
I'm weak—despair hath worn me thin!
I'm blind—my sight is lost with tears!



What wouldst thou say? An angel's tongue
Could not excuse that guilty deed;
Is not thy life one scene of wrong!
Crime after crime, like waves, succeed!
My heart, my aged heart, doth bleed,
To name such infamy as thine:
Begone! my spirit would be freed;
Away! thou art no son of mine.


Alas! that I must bless the day
On which thy virtuous mother died;
She said her loss thou shouldst repay,
Shouldst be my help, my joy, my pride!
My help!—it made me poor to hide
Thine earliest character from blame!
My joy!—look! blindness hath replied:
My pride!—what, thou!—oh shame! oh shame!



Bend thy proud knees, and from the dust
Call on thine injured God to hear;
Forsake thy wretched haunts: be just,
Ere shameful death end shame's career;
Wring from those eyes of stone a tear,
And may it be a star to save;
But never more approach me near,
Till I am dead, in my calm grave!