University of Virginia Library




Matt. xiv. 13—21. Mark vi. 32—44. Luke ix. 10—17. John vi. 1—14.

Lift up your eyes, and cast them far that desert place around;
Five thousand men are there to see, reclining on the ground:


Five thousand men are there to see, in that unpeopled wild,
With many a way-worn female mix'd, and many a weary child.
Together on the green grass sward of yonder sloping hill,
Where hastes to reach Tiberias' lake that tributary rill,
In fifties and in hundreds all, from various quarters met,
In order like a banner'd host with marshall'd ranks are set.
But other face these crowds present, than one of warlike air;
And other thoughts, than those of fight, their ranks have marshall'd there:
And other semblance, than the pomp and circumstance of war,
And other followers, than the train which tracks the warrior's car,
On him attend, and mark his mien, whose gently-spoken word,
Soft as the breath of southern gale, or song of vernal bird,
But potent as the desert's blast, or lightning's viewless thrill,
Has rang'd the obedient multitude on yonder sloping hill.
What tho', whene'er he wills, the host of heav'n compose his state,
And countless legions of the sons of light his bidding wait,


Twelve weak and humble men alone are now his whole array,
And he, in semblance like the rest, as low and weak as they.
The guests are set: for guests, prepar'd their evening meal to take,
Are yonder ranks from towns that skirt the Galilean lake;
Chorazin, and Capernaum, sad scene of threaten'd woes,
And northward where old Jordan's stream by rich Bethsaida flows.
Thence had they trac'd the Saviour's steps, his healing pow'r to feel,
And hear him speak the words of truth, their inward wounds to heal:
And still they linger'd round about, and still and still remain'd,
Nor thought how far away their homes, nor how the day had wan'd.
But He o'er all the multitude has cast a musing eye,
And mark'd how ill that houseless waste could hunger's wants supply,
And thought how many a needy one, if further they should stray,
For divers of them came from far, must faint upon the way.
And he with hospitable care has sought a welcome store,
To lay amid that desert place the multitude before:
And he for that promiscuous crowd has issued forth the word,
“Go, range the men in companies each on the green grass sward.”


The guests are set: beside their Lord the twelve attendants stand,
Their eyes with duteous reverence watch the motions of his hand:
But little for that host they see of their expected fare,
Five loaves of bread alone are found, and two small fishes there.
But lo, with blessing on his lips that scanty fare he takes,
And with the voice of thanksgiving the loaves devoutly breaks;
His looks to heav'n above are cast; his hands around him deal,
Transmitted by his followers' care, the crowd's expected meal.
And still, as sanctified by pray'r his hand the boon bestows,
Beneath his recreative touch the wondrous substance grows:
And still with eager appetite the crowds surrounding eat;
And still the loaves, the fishes, last, each eager wish to meet.
Five thousand men were there reclin'd amid that barren wild,
With many a woman craving food, and many a hungry child:
Five thousand men to their content, as freely as they will'd,
With many a child and woman there, have eaten and are fill'd.


Five loaves of bread were there supplied, when first that meal began;
Five loaves of bread have satisfied each woman, child, and man.
And, lo, lest aught, which God hath given, to man be giv'n in vain,
Twelve baskets full collected stand of fragments that remain.
Considerate mercy! thus to mark the poor with watchful eye,
And thus the needy sons of men with pitying eyelids try;
The way-worn frame, the faltering limb, the fainting heart to spare;
And o'er the destitute extend his own protecting care!
Abundant bounty! which could thus its plenteous stores expand,
To nourish all those companies with large and liberal hand;
Not here and there a partial drop; but, in one fruitful hour,
To fertilize the wilderness with that benignant show'r!
Amazing power! to work at will that unforeseen supply,
And make the creatures at a thought increase and multiply:
Such power, as bids the buried seed within its furrow grow,
And forms the blade, the ear, the corn, we sleep and know not how!


Hail, Prophet, long “to come” foretold, like Him who Israel led,
And in Arabia's stony waste with heaven-sent manna fed:
But worthier far than he, whose face with borrow'd radiance shone;
He but a servant in thy house, where thou presid'st a Son!
Lord, as in this world's wilderness in search of thee I roam,
And falter on, with hunger faint, way-wearied, far from home;
Thy mercy, prompt when misery needs; thy bounteous care be mine:
Thy suppliant with thy power preserve, and feed with food divine!