University of Virginia Library



On reading an Hymn to Life by Peter Pindar.

To thee, oh master of each comic power!
To thee, on whom life beams a sun-ting'd hour;
To whom its closing shades new pleasures bring,
And makes thee feel those joys thou lov'st to sing;
Well may life's varied page to thee appear
A stainless leaf, unblotted with a tear:
But ah! no joys like thine my fate attend,
Still absent from each dear and tender friend;
E'en now, ere nineteen circling summers shed,
Their glowing honours o'er my youthful head;
Wearied with conflicts, and with life opprest,
I fain would “fly away and be at rest!”
Yet, tho' without one real joy I live,
Ideal bliss the Muse and Fancy bring!