University of Virginia Library


XXIII. A Moment.

For a day we two were wed,
One day in the year!
Wind, and sun, and rain were shed,
Sigh, and smile, and tear,
On our happy bridal bed;
But we felt them near
Hovering o'er thy nestling head,
Death, and Pain, and Fear.
For an hour we two were wed,
One hour in the day!
Death, and Pain, and Fear were fled
Miles and miles away.
Lips on lips were sweetly fed,
Heart on heart; but say,
When those evil three were sped
Why did Sorrow stay?


For a moment we were wed,
A moment in the hour!
Death itself was buried, dead,
Grief a blossoming bower.
All I knew was splendour shed
Into me and power,
Your eyes the sunshine overhead
My soul an opening flower.