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Alexander Pope: Minor poems

Edited by Norman Ault: Completed by John Butt

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Occasion'd by Ozell's Translation of Boileau's Lutrin.


Printed for E. Sanger, and recommended by Mr. Rowe, in which Mr. Wycherley's POEMS printed in 1704, were reflected on.

Ozell, at Sanger's Call, invok'd his Muse,
For who to sing for Sanger could refuse?
His Numbers such, as Sanger's self might use.
Reviving Perault, murd'ring Boileau, he
Slander'd the Ancients first, then Wycherley;
Not that it much that Author's Anger rais'd,
For those were slander'd most whom Ozell prais'd:
Nor had the toothless Satyr caus'd complaining,
Had not sage Rowe pronounc'd it Entertaining.
How great, how just, the Judgment of that Writer!
Who the Plain-dealer damns, and prints the Biter.