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ON THE DEATH Of his most Sacred Majesty KING GEORGE the SECOND.

Ah fatal hour!—we must at last resign—
Farewel, great hero of the Brunswic line!
For valour much, for virtue more renown'd,
With wisdom honour'd, and with glory crown'd.
'Twas thy bless'd lot a happy reign to close,
And die serene, triumphant o'er thy foes;
To see the faithless, vain insulting Gaul,
Like proud Goliath, nodding to his fall;
In chains the sons of tyranny to bind,
And vindicate the rights of human kind.
No brighter crown than Britain's God could give
To grace the monarch, till he ceas'd to live;
Then gave him, to reward his virtuous strife,
A heavenly kingdom, and a crown of life.
October 26, 1760.