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Songs, comic and satyrical

By George Alexander Stevens. A new edition, Corrected

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Tune,—To all ye Ladies now at Land.

The cards were sent, the Muses came,
'Twas Ceres gave the feast
To Juno, Jove's majestic dame,
Fair Hæbe hail'd each guest.
With Phœbus, Bacchus, wit and wine.
Like man and wife, shou'd social shine.
With I fall, lal, la.
Th'Olympic dance, Minerva wife,
With graceful steps mov'd round;
Blue was the fillet—like her eyes,
Her sapient temples crown'd;
That girdle loosen'd, falling down,
Buck Bacchus caught the azure Zone.


Upon his breast the Ribbon plac'd,
By Styx, avow'd the youth,
What had the Throne of Wisdom grac'd,
Shou'd grace the seat of Truth:
His robe he instant open threw,
And on his bosom beam'd True Blue.
“Kings, taught by me, shall Garters give,
“In Installations show;
“What subjects merits shou'd receive,
“Their Monarchs shou'd bestow.
“This Symbol, lov'd, Celestials view,
“And stamp your Sanctions on True Blue.
The rosy God, Urania prais'd;
The tuneful sisters join;
The Sov'reign of the Sky was pleas'd
To constellate the Sign.
Along the Clouds, loud Pæans flew,
Olympus join'd, and hail'd True Blue.
This order Iris bore to earth,
Minerva charg'd the fair,
Where first she found out Sons of worth,
To leave the Ribbon there.
From clime to clime she searching flew,
And in Hibernia left True Blue.