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On Worship.

The Worship, Heav'n with Approbation crowns,
Consisteth not in Cringes, or in Sounds;
In Ceremonies, or in Cut of Coat,
Nor in long Pray'rs, expressed all by Rote;


'Tis not perform'd with tuned Instrument
In costly Domes, Houses magnificent,
Which strike the Senses, and Affections draw
Into a superstitious lifeless Awe;
But unreforms, and leaves the Soul as poor,
As impotent, and filthy as before.
No! genuine Worship is a nobler Thing,
Love's its Original and only Spring;
It is perform'd in Spirit and in Heart,
By th' Ability God doth Himself impart;
And it consisteth in a boly living,
In Pray'r, in Praise, and true Thanksgiving.