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FABLE XI. The Dog and Shadow:

Or, All covet, all lose.

A hungry Dog, that to the Shambles went,
Sharp-set, and with felonious Intent,
Saw there the Meat was very fresh and good,
And found Temptations not to be withstood;
Then, on what's next to hand, commits a rape,
And takes a Pond, to favour his escape.
While there he swam, and bore along his Prey,
He saw its Shadow in the Water play;
Unwisely this, another Joint he thought,
And dropt the true, as at the false he caught.
Thus, with vain Hope, pursuing greater Gains,
He lost the Purchase of his former Pains;
Then vents, in howling tone, this just Complaint,
To find himself so cheated by a Feint:


Fool that I was, who vainly seeking more,
Lost the sufficient Food I had before!
Now to my Kennel I must sneaking go,
With empty Hopes, and empty Stomach too.


‘Contented Men no Disappointment dread,
‘Their Wishes ne'er Sufficiency exceed:
‘But they, whose vast Desires no limits know,
‘Miss what they seek; and what they have, forego.
Ixion-like, baulk'd of their Juno's Charms,
‘They find a Cloud in their deluded Arms.