University of Virginia Library


[I will not now implore a Muse, not One]

I will not now implore a Muse, not One
Of the inhabiters of Helicon:
Neither Apollo, he that doth above
Sing Sacred Anthems to eternal Jove:
If you (sweet Mistress) will vouchsafe to be
Gracious, and read each line will come off free.
Since I beheld your Beauty I've forgot
My former pleasures, and now know them not:
I've no Delight but you, and you are so
Unkind to me you are my torment too.
Unmerciful Destinies! that do unite
A cruel torment with a sweet delight.


But be you far more harder-hearted then
Was ever Lady yet to any man;
Though Daphne-like you shun, and run away;
Like Phœbus I behind you will not stay.
You are regardless, and will lend no ear
Unto my vows, nor my entreaties hear:
Deign therefore, you immortal Deities
That reign enthroned in the lofty Skies;
Hear, and redress my wrongs, pity my mone,
Or make her's flesh, or mine an heart of stone;
Or guide her tongue that thence kind words may come,
Or strik me deaf, or strik my Mistress dumb:
Yet is her tongue all Musick, and so rare,
It makes me even to love my own despair.
For Neptunes sake, whose Trident awes the Sea,
Pale Luna shine with an auspicious ray.
If thou dost love the bright delicious bride
Of Mulciber, Mars be thou on my side.
By thy wing'd feet, and by thy Charmed wand,
A gracious influence, Mercury, I command.
For Alcumena's Night, and for her Child,
The Monster-Queller, Jupiter be mild.
If ever thou didst love Adonis deare,
Now Venus favour me in thy Careere.
If thou dost hope Jove will allow thee peace
In heaven, that did affor'd thee small in Greece;
On Lovers (Saturne) gently smile, and joyn
(With th'other Six) to perfect my design.
By all Ver's various flowers, and Autumns fruit,
Sol, I implore thee to complete my suit.


If me the Planets do befriend in this,
Her Cruelty cannot withstand my bliss;
Against the Stars there is no striving, she
Must yield unto her Fate, which is to me;
And (Lady) if their beams be gracious, know,
I mean to have you whether you will or no.