University of Virginia Library

De sancto Patricio

Seint Patrik com þoru Godes grace to prechi in Irlonde
To teche men hore riȝte bileue of Iesu Crist to vnderstonde
So fol of wormes þat lond he vond þat nomon nemiȝte gon
In some stude for wormes þat he nas ywemmed anon
Sein Patrik bad oure Louerd Crist þat þe lond delyuered were


Of þulke voule wormes þat non necome þere
Oure Louerd hurde is bone anon þat nemiȝte neuer eft come
No voul worm in Irlonde þat is lif him nas bynome
Ech tre[o] þat in þe londe grouþ & eorþe of þe lond also
Ne þoleþ no venim in none stude ney him be[o] ido
No voul worm necomþ þer ney þat nis anon lyfles
Bote a lite ssort euete and ȝute he is tailles
Muche clannesse & muche god wo so deþ him vnderstonde
For þe loue of sein Patrik oure Louerd dude to al Irlonde
A god mannes ssep was istole to sein Patrik com tiþinge
[He] het þat wo so it hadde inome aȝen it ssolde bringe
Þis godeman het so at churche ofte ac aȝen ne com it noȝt
In an heiday as þat folk to churche was ybroȝt
Sein Patrik het ȝif in þe churche eny musel were
Of þe ssep þat it ssolde blete among hom alle þere
Þo gan to blete inis wombe þat hadde þe ssep istole
Amang al is men þat it nemiȝte no leng be[o] ihole
Sore was þe þeof ofssamed þat men for þef him knewe
He was iknewe & merci bad & bicom god & triwe
Nou hadde sein Patrik a wone ofte and ilome
To aloute to euerich crois war he euer come
A day as he wende aboute preching in þe londe
Seint Patrik lotte to eche crois [] þat he sey awer stonde
Þait crois þat stod þat men iseye ac he ne say hit noȝt
Þer fore ne lotte he noȝt þer to [] men wondrede on her þoȝt
And esste why he nolde aloute [] to þe crois by him þere
Þis holi man byheld aboute [] and esste whar he were
He ne myȝte noȝt þat crois ise [] in gret þoȝt he stod
Gret wonder hadde þat folk þo [] and wende he were wod
Þo seide a uois vnder erþe [] ne misþenche ȝe noȝt


Þeȝ þe holi man ne se þat crois [] ne wondri ȝou riȝt noȝt
For it is for myne sunne þat myne bones lyggeþ here
As ich was ibured & mid ȝou speke þis holyman to skere
Sarazin ich was wile an eorþe in helle my soule is
For mine bones beoþ so ney þe crois he ne suchþ it noȝt iwis
As prechinge þis holyman þe contreie out soȝte
A wild stude he vond & bar þat no frut vorþ ne broȝte
Þei me sewe & sette þer al þing þer ne com noþing forþ þere
Sein Patrik bad oure Louerd ȝerne to wite wi it were
In þe eorþe he made mid is staf a cercle al aboute
Þer bicom a put swuþe dep þat me hadde of gret doute
Þis godeman nuste wat it was ac an angel hym sede
Þat þer was a put of pultatorie þat ech man miȝte of drede
Somme soules were þer inne ido hor sunnes forto bete
Þat hy ne bette noȝt an eorþe ar hy þis lif lete
And were a man quik oþer ded þat þer inne come
He ne ssolde habbe oþer pultatorie ar þe day of dome
Ac after he ssolde to heuene ȝif he were god & hende
And as god ȝif [he] here luþer were to helle wiþoute ende
Oure Louerd tok sin Patrik þe stak is owe honde
And he vond wiþ þulke pultatorie yhered be[o] is sonde
In Irlonde is ȝute þulke staf wiþ nobleie iwest inou
And for riche relike iholde elles it were wou
Sein Patrik in þulke stude as þis pultatorie is
Of religion bigan an hous þat ȝute stont iwis
And chanons þer inne made as ȝute beoþ also
Þen put he let wel faste close þat noman ne com him to
In þe churche ȝerd is þulke put riȝt toward þe est side
Est euene fram þe heye weued as men secheþ wide
Iwalled he is vaste aboute and faste iloke þat ȝat
And faste þe prior witeþ þe keie þat noman comeþ in þerat


Al by sein Patrik is daye men wende þer inne ilome
And suþþe also manyon ac vewe up þer come
And þulke þat þer come aȝen of þat hy seie tolde
As it is in þe hous iwrite and priueliche iholde
Þe maner is of euerich man þat þer inne went
Þat it beo to bete is sunne ȝif oure Louerd him grace sent
To þe bissop of þe lond he ssel him verst ssryue
And bidde leue to do þe wey to amendement of lyue
Ac þe bissop him radde þer aȝen & reson him wole ssewe
And segge þat manie þuder wendeþ & comeþ aȝen vewe
And ȝif he is stable inis þoȝt for al þat he haþ ybede
Þe bissop him wole lettres make to þe prior of þe stede
Þe prior him wole ek rede inou forto change is þoȝt
Ac wan he suchþ him studeuast þat he nele bileue it noȝt
Wiþ gret procession of prestes to þe put he worþ ibroȝt
Ac ȝif me nemay þe ȝut for noþing change is þoȝt
Into churche hi wolleþ him lede & sette him adon akne[o]
And þare he ssel viftene dawes in orysons be[o]
Þe procession ssel turne aȝen as riȝt is to done
And amorwe þulke tyme þuder com efsone
And bote he be[o] þanne icome wiþ gret deol & sore
Hy turneþ aȝen & siker beoþ þat he ne comþ namore
Hit byuel bi one kynges daye þat nou late was
Of a kniȝt þat het Ouweyn a wel wonder cas
To þe bissop to ssrifte Ouwein þis kniȝt com
And gret repentance for is sunne & deol & sorwe nom
Þe bissop bigan to chide him uaste of þat he hadde misdo
And sede he hade ybe man worst forto sunegy so
Þat me nemiȝte him do so muche wo þat he nere worþ more
Þe kniȝt sat wiþ deoluol heorte & siȝte & wep sore
Wanne he sede icham man worst & worst habbe ydo
And to sunne þat grettost is penance mot do


Wanne ich amang alle men mest sunfol am alas
Þe strengoste penance ichelle take þat euere yuonde was
Ichelle take Godes grace and inis name wende
In sein Patrikes pultatorie sende wat he me sende
Ou beu frere quaþ þis bissop be[o] stille wi seistou so
Crist forbeode þat þou neuere such folie ne do
Vnneþe eny comeþ aȝen of þulke þat þuder doþ wende
Nolde God þat þou þe dede dust body & soule to ssende
And wend into religion and bilef þi liues ende
And þou sselt wel þi sunne bete & God wol grace sende
Certes sire quaþ þis kniȝt þou miȝt as wel beo stille
For ichelle þe dede do do God by me is wille
For as muche as ich habbe ofserued i nemiȝte habbe of wo
Þer uore sei wat ich ssel for siker ichelle it do
Þe bissop prechede him vaste inou forto changi is þoȝt
Ac attelaste þo he sey þat it was al for noȝt
To þe prior of þe stude his lettres he made sone
Þat he ssolde bi him do as bi a such man was to done
Þe prior prechede him vaste inou & sede him resons ynowe
Ȝif he miȝte change is þoȝt þat he þer of him wiþdrowe
Ac þis prechinge was al for noȝt ac he say wel atte ende
He nolde bileue for noþing þe perilous wei to wende
Þe prior him nom bi þe hond and into chirche him broȝte
Þer he vel adon akneo and oure Louerdes grace bisoȝte
In fastinge and in orisons fortene niȝt he lay
To bidde oure swete Lou[er]des grace & þe vifteþe day
Þe couent come aboute him and oþer prestes also
And clerkes wiþ procession þe seruise to do
For him hy songe an heie masse & on God cride faste
Oure Louerdes fleiss & is blod hi toke him attelaste
And sprenge him wiþ holy water and hore orisons sede
Wiþ crois and procession to þe put hi gonne him lede


And heilich song þe letanie & holy water bere
And alle Godes halwe bede þat hi is help were
Þe prior vnlek þe puttes dore & among hom echon
Beu frere he sede her is þe wei þat þou seist þou wolt gon
And ȝif þou wolt do by oure rede þou sselt þi þoȝt wende
And oþer manere þi sunnes bete as God wole þe grace sende
For vewe þer com aȝe of hom þat her inne wende biuore
Ac were for tormens & for wo lif and soule forlore
Certes sire quaþ þis kniȝt rede wat þou me rede
Þe wey ich nyme a Godes name to bete my misdede
Ac for is loue þat us deore aboȝte biddeþ for me echon
Lif and soule ich him bitake and inis name in gon
He blessede him & wende him in & bitok God fleiss & bon
Þe prior him sprengde wiþ holy water & lek þe dore anon
Þys gode kniȝt him wende forþ baldeliche and faste
Bi an hol[we] wey vnder eorþe & upe God is herte caste
He ne sey noþing for derkhede ac naþeles noȝt him ne agaste
So longe him þoȝte þat he isey wel uer liȝt attelaste
Þuder ward he wende baldeliche so he com þer ney
Þe vairoste ueld þat miȝte be[o] atte weies ende he sey
Þer inne he wende murie inou amid þe ueld he uond
Þe nobloste and þe uairoste halle þat miȝte be[o] in eni lond
Riȝt cler nas þat weder noȝt bote as it were nei eue
To biholde þis noble work an stonde he gan bileue
Þe walles [nere] noȝt þeron ihol ac þer aboute iwis
Queinte pilers and arches were as monekes cloistre is
In he wende a Godes name & sat him al one an hey


& biheld aboute in euerich angle & þis queinte work ysey
As he biheld al þus aboute þer com in atte on ende
Twelf men in wiȝt vestemens swuþe fair & hende
[Hor] crounen alle nywe yssore swuþe vair hi him grette
And sete hom alle vaire adoun & þis kniȝt bi hom sette
Þo spak on as hore prior mildeliche and stille
Beu frere ihered be[o] God þat sende þe such wille
And lete þe þat þou hast bigonne for his grace wel ende
Beu frere wanne þou wost þis weis for þi sunne wende
Oþer þou most beo studeuast & in no manere turne þi þoȝt
Oþer þou worst uorlore lyf & soule and deuelwey be[o] ibroȝt
For as sone as we beoþ henne iwend þe deuel[en] luþer & wikke
Wol come anon aboute þe in þis hous wel þicke
And do þe tormens & wowe inou and bihote þe wel more
Ac hi wolleþ bihote þe ioie inou ȝif þou wolt luue hore lore
Ac ȝif hi þoru eny biheste mowe þe ouercome
Sicker þou worst lif and soule adeolwey inome
Ac ȝif þou ert stable of bileue & in Iesu Crist dest þenche
Ne uor byheste ne for wo fram him nelt blenche
Þou worst quit of al þine sunne þat [þou] hast euere iwroȝt
And þou sselt iseo al þe ioye þat godemen beoþ inne ibroȝt
And þe pine þat luþer men habbeþ for hore misdede
Ac in wat wo so þou ert þench on God ich rede
And wanne hi þe tormenteþ muche crie Iesu milce & ore
& ȝif þou ert studeuast in bileue hi ne ssolleþ defoule þe namore
We bitakeþ þe Iesu Crist ich rede do oure lore


Þo nuste þe kniȝt war hi bicome he sat & siȝte sore
Elenge he bileuede alone and cride on Godes miȝte
And armede him wiþ holy beden aȝen þe deuel to fiȝte
In þe Holi Gost he cride faste þat he ne ssolde him noȝt faile
He lokede wanne þe deuelen come him forto asaile
As he sat þus a Godes name as bataile forto bide
Þer com a sori reufol cry aboute in euerich side
As þei al þe worlde toborste & breke & as him þoȝte also
Þat þei al þe bestes of þe world togadere were ido
And as grislich as hi miȝte ȝollinde alle were
Hy nemiȝte among hom alle make so grislich bere
Þat ȝif is heorte on Iesu Crist and is hope þe more nere
Anon he hadde wod bicome & ilore is wit for fere
Þo come hi in aboute him þicke and grislich þere
Ȝonynge and grennynge ek wiþ wel sori chere
Bel amy quaþ on of hom þou hast ariȝt ido
Wel aȝte we alle honury þe for al to vewe doþ so
For al oþer men wolleþ abide for hore lif hom beo binome
And ȝute is þis aȝen hore wille ar hi wolleþ hider come
And þou comest al by þi lyue & bi þi gode wille also
Wel aȝte me þy mede ȝulde and gret þonk þe do
Wanne þou hast boþe bodi & soule bitake us bi þi liue
Sanfaille we were vnkunde bote we it ȝoulde bliue
Ac naþeles ȝif þou wolt an eorþe habbe ȝut ioie more
For þe cundehede þat þou to us come al bi þin owe lore
Siker us an hond þat þou wolt on oure seruise bileue
And we wolleþ þe to eorþe lede aȝen al sauf riȝt bi eue
Þou sselt habbe þer ioie inou in halle & eke in boure
For none men beoþ so murie þer as þulke þat beoþ oure
Hey man & noble þou sselt be[o] and men ssolleþ honuri þe
And wanne þou ert ded & to us comst þe tit as god as we


Þis kniȝt þoȝte euere in Iesu Crist he nolde enes change is wille
For þretinge ne uair biheste ac sat him euere stille
Þo he nolde hom granti noȝt þat he wolde to hom wende
Hi ȝonede & grennede on him voule & strong fur gonne tende
Þis kniȝt hi bonde hond & fet & amidde þis fur caste
Wiþ irene oules & wiþ pikes hi todrowe him wel vaste
Þis kniȝt þo he sei þe neode loude he cride anon
Iesus Iesus help me nou and ssuld me fram my fon
Anon þo þis word was ised þat fur queinte euerich spronk[e]
Þe deuelen ne drowe him namore oure Louerd he gan þonk[e]
And þe hardiore was inou þo he þis ysey
And þe lasse of þe deuelen dradde þat were him so ney
Wel grislich þe ssrewen ȝolle þo hom failede hore miȝt
And flowe echone out of þis halle & drowe wiþ hom þis kniȝt
Hy drowe him wel harde aȝen þe gronde boþe vet & honde
Swuþe ver him þoȝte & longe aboute al in a west londe
So blak and derk was al þat lond þat noþing he ne say
Bote þe deuelen þat him drowe þat so þicke were him ney
Ac a softe wind þer was þat he hurde vnneþe
Ac so sserp and cold he bleu þat it broȝte him nei to deþe
Riȝt colde it wende þoru is herte & þoru is bodi also
Þat him were leuer þan al þe world þat þe pine were ido
Þus colde hi drowe him as him þoȝte riȝt norþ est iwis
As þe sonne arist in somer wanne þe dai lengost is
Þo hi come þuder as him þoȝte riȝt to þe worles ende


Hy turnde hom by a brod valeie & souþ ward gonne wende
Touward þe stude þat þe sonne at mid winter deþ arise
Þat wo was þis kniȝt fordrawe & ypined in alle wise
Þo þoȝte him þat he hurde ver biuore him as it were
Swuþe deoluol cri & wop & swuþe reufol bere
Euer þe ner þat hi come þe ruloker was þe cri
So longe hy drowe him þat him þoȝte þat i were riȝt þerby
Þo come hi into a wilde veld non more ne miȝte be[o]
So longe he was in euerich side þat me nemiȝte non ende ise[o]
Of men & wymmen þis feld was vol in euerich side
Þe wombe naked toward þe gronde al brod isprad wide
Þe vet and honden al abrod to þe eorþe vaste ibonde
Wiþ nailes of ire al a fure ysmite þoru out to gronde
Þis wrecche gostes so ipined wiþ ire & wiþ fure
So deoluol cri and bere made þat deol it was to hure
Hi cride merci deoluoliche ac me nolde hom non do
For angwise hi gnowe þe colde eorþe & gnowe hor tonge also
Þe deuelen orne al aboute & upe hom to gronde
And wiþ kene oules hom todrowe wiþ moni a dep wonde
Alas wy ne be[o] we her iwar oure sunne to bete
Ar we come to pultatorie and wiþ þe luþer gostes mete
For in pultatorie þe ssrewen beoþ as wel as in helle
And worþe forte þe day of dome telle wat me telle
Þe deuelen sede as þis men pineþ þou sselt also
Bote þou wolle þi þoȝt wende & after oure [red] do
Þo he nolde in none manere to gronde hi him caste
To tormenti him as þe oþer were & to naili him vaste
As he cride anon to Iesu Crist þo him smerte sore
Þer nas non of þe ssrewen þo þat miȝte him greui more


Þo þe ssrewen nemiȝte noȝt hore wille habbe ido
Hi drouwe him into anoþer ueld vol of wel more wo
Of men & wymmen he was fol upriȝt ysprad to gronde
Vet and honde upriȝt todrawe to eorþe faste ibonde
Wiþ furi nailes al of ire inailled faste þerto
Al furi addren up hom sete & crope ek also
Somme of þe addren hom biclupte so uaste al aboute
Þat him þoȝte hi ssolde toberste so vaste i gurd wiþoute
Somme sete anouwarde hom & hor fleiss forgnowe
And wiþ kene teþ al vury wombe & breost todrowe
Somme nome hore ssarpe tonge & þoru þe herte smite
Somme bonde & somme stonge & somme gnowe & bite
Þe crapoudes ek þat were so foule anouwarde þe herte sete
And stonge hom þoru out þe herte wiþ hore wrottes grete
Þe luþer gostes orne also aboute hom inowe
And wiþ oules & wiþ scorges þe wrecches al todrowe
Þe wrecche gostes al forpined & in such torment ibroȝt
Hi cride & ȝolle deoluoliche ac al ne halp hom noȝt
Þe deuelen nome þis seli kniȝt & wolde him pini also
Ac þo he cride on Iesu Crist hy ne broȝte him noȝt þerto
Ȝute deuelen efte him nome & to þe þridde ueld him drowe
Þer he sei ek in strong torment wrecche gostes inowe
Isprad to þe eorþe al abrod & ismite þoru out echon
Wiþ as þicke nailes in eche stude as þer miȝte stike on
Þat me ne ssolde vinde an amte place in al hore bodi so lite
Þat me miȝte for þicke nailes a vingres ende þoru pute
A smart wind ek to oþer wo on hom bleu wel faste
Þat hom þoȝte hi forbrende þoru out wiþ eche blaste
Þe deuelen orne also aboute fram ech to oþer inowe
And hore wrecche fleiss wiþ houles todrowe


Þis wrecche gostes so were ipined & in such torment ibroȝt
Rulich cride as hy miȝte ac vnneþe me hurde hom oȝt
For hy were so clene ouercome þat hy miȝte vnneþe
Bringe eny uois bote as a man vpe þe point of deþe
Al in þe þrote hy cride as hore strengþe were binome
Mid þe muche pine as nas no wonder þei hi were ouercome
Þe deuelen nome þis sely kniȝt an[d] to gronde him caste
And swore bote he turnde is þoȝt among hom to naili vaste
Ac he cride on Iesu Crist and nemnede is holy name
And þe deuelen nadde no poer to do him namore ssame
Hy nome him þo & drou him out to þe veorþe uelde
Vol of brimston al bernynge heie spronge þe spelde
Ech maner pine þat miȝte be[o] in þulke veld he sey
Somme wiþ irene rakeie al furi honge an hey
Somme bi armes & somme bi uet & bi þe swure manion
Anhonge were in stronge vure of pich & of brymston
Somme honge bi stronge oules iput in eiþer eiȝe
Þoru þe þrote somme & somme [] þoru eiþer ere wel heiȝe
Somme þoru hore deorne limes & somme þoru hore tete
Þat hom were leuer þanne alle þe world þat hi miȝte þat lif lete
Somme upe gridils of ire yrosted were also
Somme as ges in spites of ire þoru out hom ydo
Somme leie upward fram þe gronde ȝonynge wel uaste
Þe deuelen walde led & bras & in hore mouþ caste
He ne miȝte þenche no maner pine þat he ne sei þer
Hym þoȝte he sei ek monyon þat he kneu an eorþe her
Þe deuelen him caste amidde þis pine among þis oþer echon
And he cride on Iesu Crist and deliuered was anon


Ȝute þe deuelen þis seli kniȝt into anoþer place drowe
Þer inne he sei a grislich wel wiþ longe spoken ynowe
Þe on ende heng toward þe gronde þe oþer up an hey
Aboute it was vol of pikes as he þer ysey
Þis hokes & þis pikes were vaste iryue also
Wiþ wrecche gostes al aboute þat þer on were ido
Al bernynge was þis weol & stinkinge of brymston
Þe gostes þat þeron honge bernynge were echon
Þis deuelen wende forþ anon & hore hokes þeron caste
In eiþer side & turnde aboute þis sori weol to vaste
Þat of þe gostes þat þer on honge noþing hi ne seie
So vaste hi turnde þe weol aboute bote bernynge leȝe
Ac deoluoliche hi cride & ȝolle euerich inis ende
Alas wy nolle men be[o] iwar ar hi hanne wende
Wanne hy miȝte her mid a lite pine bete hore misdede
And þer hy ssolleþ so biter abugge alas þe wrechede
Þis deuelen nome þis seli kniȝt & on þe weol him caste
And wiþ þis oþer wrecche gostes turnde him aboute vaste
Ac he cride on Iesu Crist and delyuered was anon
Þe deuelen al þis byhelde mid dreory mod echon
Ȝute hy nome biterliche and forþor him ladde
Hy harled him & grenned ek & loude ȝolle & gradde
A gret hous he sey biuore hym stonde long & brod inou
Þe stench & hete þat þerof com him þoȝte almest him slou
He wiþstod & nolde is þonkes for stenche go ner
Veor þou ssalt þe deuelen sede þou ne sselt noȝt abide her
A baþ it is þat þou sixt and þer inne þou sselt be[o]
And baþie wiþ oþer hine þou ne sselt noȝt hanne vle[o]
Þe gostes þat þer inne were wel deoluoliche cride
And loude ȝolle as he hurde aboute in euerich side
Þis kniȝt wiþ þis foule wiȝtes into þis house com
Of tormens þat he þer isey gret game wiþ alle nom
Vor fol of puttes & of diches þis hous wiþinne was


Alle hy were vol of strange tormens amty non þer nas
Of wellynge led ifuld hi were of led & brymston
Of bras and oþer strange tormens boillinge euerichon
Wrecche gostes þer ine sete þe torment tilde heiȝe
Somme al aboute þe heued & somme up to þan eiȝe
Somme to nose & somme to mouþ & somme up to þe swere
And somme to þe wrecche breste & aboȝte hore sunne deore
Somme up to þe nauele and somme dounor more
And somme stod up to þe kne[o] and cride and wope sore
And somme stod in boþe vet & somme bote by on
Ac deoluoliche hi cride inou and wope euerichon
Nou þou suxst quaþ þis deuelen war inne þou sselt gon
Bote þou wolle anoþer speke & to us turne anon
Hy nome & caste him in a put in Iesus anon he cride
And com up anon hol & sond him ne luste no leng abide
Þe deuelen anon in grete wraþþe harled him vorþer more
& broȝte him up a swuþe gret hul uol of sorwe & sore
He stod & biheld aboute þo he com up an hey
Hym wondrede of þe uele gostes þat he þer uppe ysey
Þat al þat he sey er þer aȝen noȝt nere
Vp hore [ton] hy sete al forcliȝt & quakede for fere
In þe souþ half of þe hul a dep water þer was & lou
Þat foule stank & caldore was þanne eny is oþer snou
A norþerne wind so vaste bleu þat him þoȝte is fleiss torende
Euere sete þis seli gostes & aȝen þis wynd hom wende
And quakede and c[h]yuerede faste in drede & pine stronge
And abide as wo seiþ hore tyme hore deþ forto auonge
Lo quaþ on of þis deuelen þou nost noȝt wat þis is
Bote þu þi þoȝt þe sonore turne þou sselt sone iwite iwis
He nadde bote þis word ised þat þer ne com a wynd blowe


And smot al þis sely gostes in þis depe water wel lowe
Þe norþorne wind hom drof adoun & al mid one blaste
Al þis gostes & þis kniȝt amidde þis water caste
Namore pine nemiȝte be[o] of stronge chile ne of stenche
Þanne þis gostes þer inne hadde hom nemiȝte non ablenche
Þo þis kniȝt þis stronge pine of þis water iuelde
He gan to crie on Iesu Crist þat faillede him wel selde
Anon wiþoute eny lette out of þis water he drou
Ac þis gostes bileuede þer wiþ wo & sorwe inou
Vor in þis water þat was so cold and so voule stonk also
Þis gostes swomme up & doun hor wo nas neuere ido
Þe deuelen orne ek upe þe water so man deþ alonde
And wanne eny wolde clyueri up wiþ fote oþer honde
Anon hi drowe him doun aȝen þat þer ne ofscapede non
Þer was wowe & sorwe inou among hom euerichon
Þys deuelen wende forþ anon & þis seli kniȝt eft nome
And drowe him in a sori steode þer hi noȝt er ne come
Hi come and stode ouer a put wid and dep inou
And bernynge smoke þat foule stonk up of þis putte drou
Þat þe kniȝt vnneþe stod for sori stench þer ney
Wrecche gostes up of þis put in þis sori smoke [he] sey
Vleo up and doun al bernynge as spelden doþ of fure
And into þe put eft folle adoun wanne hi nemiȝte leng dure
Hym þoȝte he was nei ouercome for þe blast þat þerof drou
Þer bi he weste þat in þe gronde was sorwe & pine inou
Ho stondestou þe deuelen sede þincþ þe her of wonder
Of þe swote smoke þat here bloweþ & wat put be[o] vnder
In þis put is oure wonynge for þe put of helle it is
And for þou hast yserued wel her þou sselt wony iwis
For al þat us serueþ wel her inne ssolleþ wende


And be[o] þou þer inne wiþ us þou worst here wiþoute ende
Þer uore we redeþ turn þi þoȝt and do us her manrede
And we ssolleþ [þe] þane wei as þou come al sauf aȝen lede
And þe tit an eorþe al þi lif richesse & ioie also
For we ssolleþ þe euere finde inou as riȝt is þat we do
Þo þis kniȝt forsok hore biheste as he hadde er ilome
Hi smite hom adoun in þis put & þis kniȝt wiþ hom nome
Þe deppore þat hi þer inne come þe braddore þe put was
Þat al þe wo þat he sei er þer aȝen noȝt nas
Of stench & al oþer wo þis kniȝt was so ouercome
Þat is þoȝt toward Iesu Crist him was ney bynome
So muche pine nas neuer yseie him þoȝte as he uelde
Þat he was al upe þe pointe þane gost forto ȝelde
Ac oure Louerd amang al is wo his grace him ȝaf attelaste
So þat he þoȝte on Iesu Crist and on him cride vaste
A smoke þer com up smite anon & mid a strange blaste
Þis kniȝt an hei aboue þis put & many gostes caste
Þis kniȝt wirled in þis blast so spelden doþ wel wide
Attelaste he liȝte adoun aboue þe put biside
Þer he stod & biheld aboute as man þat witles were
For pine þat he hadde iheued he nuste [hou] he com þere
Þo he hadde þer longe ystonde & al one biholde aboute
Þer com blaste out of þis put of deuelen a gret route
And stod bi him al aboute as nywe as þei hy were
He ne sei hom as he þoȝte neuere bote þo þere
Hi bihulde him wel grisliche & grennede al aboute
Wy stonstou þus al one h[i] sede þou sselt come to oure route
Wat tolde oure felawes þe þat þe put of helle is þis
Hit nis noȝt so ac þou sselt iwite ware it is
Noste noȝt it is oure riȝte to lie euere mo


Þat we mid lesynge men bitraye bote it mowe oþer go
And also oure felawes lowe þe þat þis was þe put of helle
Ac þou sselt þuder come wiþ us & þat soþe we wolleþ telle
Þe deuelen harlede þis kniȝt uorþ þat wo was him to drawe
Þat him were leuer þanne eny þing þat he were of lyf dawe
So þat hi come to a swuþe gret water deop & brod inou
A strong mist þat stonk swuþe uoule out of þis water drou
Of brimston & of oþer wo so strang stench neuere [he] ne sey
Þat mid alle pine of þe world he miȝte stonde þer ney
A brugge þer was ouer þe water smallore nemiȝte non be[o]
Þe smoke was so þikke aboute þat vnneþe he miȝte ise[o]
Lo sede þis sory deuelen we seggeþ þe iwis
Þat vnder þis water deop inou þe put of helle is
And þat þou sselt sone iwite for þou sselt forþ anon
And ouer þis swote water up þis brugge gon
Hy nome þis sely kniȝt anon and upe þis brugge him drowe
And made him go þer vnþonkes wiþ wrechede inowe
For þre[o] þinges vuel ynou on þis brugge were
Þe on was þat he was so hey þat vnneþe me miȝte for fere
Þer uppe go & so deop adoun habbe so grislich siȝte
Þe oþer was þat he was so narȝ þat vnneþe me miȝte
Þar uppe sette eny vot þat he ne uel adoun anon


Þe þridde þat he was so smeþe þat me ne ssolde þeron gon
Bote me slide & folle adoun & so wis neuere he nere
Þis þre[o] þinges þis seli kniȝt broȝte in grete fere
For he was narȝ & slider & hey he ne ssolde him so bitelle
Þat he glide out in eny half þat he ne vel to helle
Þer up he was mid strengþe ibroȝt & ymad þer uppe gon
So gret dred as hym þoȝte nadde neuer man non
Ac sone he þoȝte on Iesu Crist þat so ofte him sauede er
And cride on is holy name þat he holpe him þer
And gan him go þe baldeloker & þe innore more he com
Þe hardiore him þoȝte he was and betere herte nom
And þe braddore was is wey & so longe forþ he ȝeode
Þat he was so brod þat þer miȝte go up a cart for neode
And so longe þat tweie cartes miȝte mete hom wel inou
Þis kniȝt þo wel baldeliche as maister forþ him drou
Þe deuelen stode byneþe þe brugge & iseie him faste gon
Þat of al þe wo þat hy him dude ne ouercom him noȝt on
And þoȝte þat it was for noȝt after him to honte more
Wel grislich hy gonne ȝolle and crie & wepe sore
Þat of ȝollinge þat hy made him þoȝte grettore fere
Þan of al þe pine þat he hadde er so grislich was þe bere
Hor oules hy nome & crokes and touward him caste anhey
Ac þer nas non þat miȝte him touche ne non come him ney
So þat al sauf wiþ alle ioye ouer þis water he drou
And þe deuelen bihinde were wiþ sorwe & sor inou
And let him go woder he wolde & ne fondede him namore
And huld hom clanlich ouercome þat hom ofþoȝte sore
Þe kniȝt wende vorþ sauf inou þat he hadde er dure iboȝt
He þonkede faste Iesu Crist þat hy ne ssende him noȝt
Þe water he passede sauf ynou & forþore þen wey nom


Þe contreye him þoȝte murie inou þo he þer ouer com
Þe vorþere þat he wende uorþ þe more ioye he sey
So longe þat he sey anne wal swuþe noble and hey
So noble werk nas neuere yseie as him þoȝte þeron was
A noble ȝet he sei þeron þat noblore non nas
Þe ȝet ssynde swuþe briȝte of gold as it were
Vol of ȝymmes precious þat none ricchore nere
Him þoȝte ar he þuder com is wei wel longe ilaste
Þo he com a lite ner he stod and bihuld vaste
Þe ȝet wende up aȝen him & anon mid þe dede
Þer sprong out a swete smul þat wide bigan to sprede
Þat him þoȝte þei al þe world swote spices were
So muche swetnesse nemiȝte ȝiue as þulke swote breþ þere
In so gret ioie him þoȝte he was þat þei he hadde be broȝt
In al þe wo þat he was er it ne ssolde him greue noȝt
In he biheld at þis ȝete þo he com þer ney
More clernesse nemiȝte be[o] him þoȝte þanne he sey
As he wolde þer inne wende aȝen him þer com gon
A procession vair inou of noble men echon
Wiþ crois and wiþ tapres wiþ baners swuþe clere
Þat folk byhinde reuested euerich bi his ivere
Bissops somme & ercedekenes & monkes and frere
And euerich him þoȝte in þe abit þat hi werede an eorþe here
Mid þe meste ioie þat miȝte be[o] þis kniȝt hy gonne auonge
And ladde him mid ioie inou of solas and of songe
Þo þis murie song was ido to him sone þer come
Tweie as it maistres were and bi þe hond him nome
Hy wolcomede him mildeliche & þonkede oure Louerd faste
Þat ȝaf him so god bileue þat so studeuastliche laste
Hi ladde him aboute & ssewede him þat lond ver & ney
So muche clernesse ne oþer ioye him þoȝte neuere he ne sey


For as þe sonne bynymeþ þe liȝt of a candle aboute midday
Also it by nom þe sonne leom þe liȝt þat he þer isay
So brod & long þe place was þat he nemiȝte non ende ise[o]
Al murie med & swote floures swettore ne miȝte non be[o]
Treon also wiþ noble frut þat smulde swote inou
So gret swotnesse up al aboute of euerich place drou
Þat þer wiþoute mete & drinke him þoȝte euere mo
He miȝte libbe wiþ alle ioie ȝif he miȝte þer among go
Hit was þare euere iliche liȝt and euere it was day
So muche folk in no place him þoȝte neuere he ne sey
Ech companie bi oþer stod and suþþe ech to oþer drou
Wiþ murye song & melodie and oþer ioie inou
Þat ech of oþer þe more ioye to gadere miȝte offonge
Almiȝti God þat hom ssop hi herede mid hore songe
And as som sterre as ȝe iseoþ briȝtore þanne oþer is
Also was of hom þat somme ssinde briȝtore þan oþer iwis
Ac þulke þat dercoste was him þoȝte was more cler
And clerore ssinde þanne eni lond þat he sei euer er
And eche werede cloþes of þe taille þat hi werede an eorþe here
Monekes þat to monk biuel and frere as to frere
So hi hadde hore riȝte forme ac wel briȝtore was þat hiu
So þat wat hi werede an eorþe bi hore cloþinge he kneu
Somme hadde þe croune of golde anouward þe heued ido
Somme bere in hore honde ȝerden of gold also
Echone hi þonkede Iesu Crist þat studeuast herte him sende
Þis kniȝt þat mid al þis pine is herte noȝt ne wende
Echone þoȝte as for him in þe more ioie were
He stod and biheld al þis ioie as þei no wit on him nere


Þo gan on as it were hore maister is mouþ vndo wel softe
And wolcomede him mildeliche & þonkede oure Louerd ofte
Þat such porpos him hadde isend & studeuast herte also
Þat he ne changede noȝt is þoȝt for al þat was ido
Beu frere he sede ihered be[o] God þat þe haþ hider ibroȝt
And among al þine stronge von studeuast iveost þi þoȝt
Of þe pine of sunfol gostes yfonded þou hast inou
And þer wiþ þine sunne ibet for elles it were wou
Þou miȝt here somdel ise[o] þat þou wilnest more
Of þe ioie of gode soulen þat comeþ to milce and ore
Þe place þat we inne beoþ ich wene þou ne knowest noȝt
Hit is eorþlich parais þat Adam was inne ibroȝt
And þat he was inne ymad & suþþe for his misdede
Icast out ar we were ibore an eorþe in alle wrechede
Al þe ioie þat her is he hadde her to is wille
Ac he ne say þo he was out icast þerof noȝt worþ a uille
Of is wrechede we beoþ ikenned & of is sunfol blod icome
Ac þat us was þoru Godes grace [þoru oure] Cristendom bynome
Ac þat we after oure Cristendom of sunne an eorþe wroȝte
An eorþe oþer in pultatorie wel deore we it boȝte
Vor we alle as þou her sucst þereuorþ hider come
And oure sunnes þere bette and harde penance nome
We ne miȝte noȝt elles hider come as god bi þe it is
And ȝif þi sunne nere forȝiue þou ne come noȝt her iwis
And al þat þou þere iseie hider to us ssolleþ wende
And alday doþ wanne hi habbeþ [] hore penance ibroȝt to ende
Ac non not hou longe he ssel þere bileue iwis
Ac wo so eny vrend an eorþe haþ þe betere mid him it is
For mid massen & oþer bedes & mid almes dede


Me may hore pine muche alegge & þe sonore þerof lede
And wanne eny of hom hider comeþ aȝen him we wendeþ echon
As we dude aȝen þe wiþ ioie & ledeþ him anon
Ac þar nis non of us þat be[o] worþe ȝute to heuene wende
Ne non þat wite wanne oure Louerd after him wole sende
For ech man þat into heuene ssel þoru pultatorie mot
And suþþe into eorþlich parais þere we beoþ wel ichot
Vor þis is oure kunde eritage for iwroȝt we were herto
Vor oure veorste uader it forgulte & forte he hadde misdo
And here we ssolde alle habbe ibe[o] bore & iliued oure lif also
For oure Louerd þat we were in more ioie ido
Ac wanne men beoþ out icast her uorþ hy mote eft wende
Aȝen ward ar hi to heuene come after hore liues ende
Ac al þe ioie þat is here ne amonteþ noþing iwis
Aȝen þe leste ioie of heuene wel muche þe meste is
Ac somþing þou sselt of heuene ise[o] in a place her ney
Hi ladde him up an hei hulle and bad him biholde an hey
And esste of him wuch colour were heuene up riȝt þere
He sede him þoȝte riȝt as gold þat wellinge were
Þe oþer sede þis is þe wey þat geþ to heuene blis
And þat is þe ȝet of parais þat wiþoute heuene ȝute is
Eche day somme of pultatorie hider comþ us to
And somme of us henne ech day to heuene wendeþ also
So þat we wexeþ ofte a day & waineþ þou suxst lo
We nuteþ of us wuch is next bote as God wol habbe ido
Ech day þe wile we here beoþ oure Louerd us vet ene
Wiþ delicious metes of heuene & swete inou & clene
Þat be[o] þulke holy mete ar þou henne wende
Wiþ us þou sselt sone iwite wanne God hine wolde sende
Nadde he bote þis word ised þat þer ne com aliȝte


A maner breþ fram heuene adoun þat ssinde cler and briȝte
Þat ouerspradde al þat lond & a cler leom þer wiþoute
Ope euerich is heued liȝte adoun cleror þanne aboute
And upe þis kniȝtes heued ek & up him smot anon
And þoru ech lim him þoȝte & þoru ech liþ it gan gon
Þat in so muche delit and ioie him þoȝte neuere he nas
He stod as he were ynome he nuste ware he was
Ne weþer he was quik [oþer] ded bote in metynge as it were
Louerd muche is þe ioie of heuene as hi velde alle þere
Ac ne laste bote lite stonde þat þe leome ne wiþdrou
Ac naþeles þei it lite ilaste hy were alle vol inou
Þis kniȝt stod & biheld aboute & is riȝt stat vnderstod
So uol he was of þis holy lime [þat] so delicious was and god
Þat þei he lyuede him þoȝte eueremo & neuere eft mete ne ete
Him ne ssolde neuere eft to mete luste so god was þe leom & swete
Lo sede þis oþer gost þat him ssewede al þis place
Nou þou hast somdel yseie of oure Louerdes grace
Of pine þat wrecche gostes habbeþ for hore misdede
And of ioie þat gode gostes in parais doþ lede
And somdel ek of þe grete ioie þat in heuene is
And ech day we beoþ ived enes wiþ suche ioie & blis
& be[o] we al day uol inou þanne forte oure Louerd us more sende
And in such ioye hi þat in heuene beoþ beoþ wiþoute ende
And ȝute somdel in more it ne waneþ hom neueremo
And we ne beoþ aday bote enes [iued] forte þat we þuder go
And wanne þat we þuder comeþ we ssolleþ wiþoute ende
And þou ȝif þou it wolt ofseruy þuder forto wende
As þi wille is þou miȝt do wanne þou comst to eorþe iwis


Ac þuder þou most anon aȝen for al tyme it is
And ȝif þou wolt þere god lyf lede þi mede þou miȝt ise[o]
Also wat pines þe abideþ ȝif þou wolt luþer be[o]
Aȝen þou most wende anon go uorþ a Godes name
And go sikerliche for þe deuelen ne mowe þe do no ssame
Adrad hi beoþ wel sore of þe & ofssamed in ech side
A Godes name go forþ þi wei for þou ne sselt no leng abide
Sire merci quaþ þis kniȝt wat so me euere bitide
A uot inelle fram ȝou gon wrechede goþ so wyde
Ac let me bileue wiþ ȝou her for ȝif ich fram ȝou wende
Adrad ich am of þe deuel þat he mid sunne me ssende
Nay beu frere quaþ þis oþer þou miȝt as well beo stille
Aȝen þou sselt to eorþe anon þou miȝt þer do þi wille
And þou serue wel oure Louerd siker þou miȝt be[o]
Aȝen come hider to us and suþþe to heuene fle[o]
A Godes half wend aȝe anon for siker þou sselt so
Alas alas quaþ þis kniȝt wat ssel ich nou do
Al þe ioie þat ich habbe yseie nou it worþ me bynome
And to þe wrechede þat is an eorþe alas ssel ich nou come
Al wepinge out at þis ȝete hi broȝte him attelaste
Anon so he was wiþoute þat ȝet hi made uaste
As he com er wiþ dreri mod þen wei aȝe he nom
And wanne eny deol þat pinede him er aȝen him ower com
As wode ssrewen hi flowe him uaste hy ne dorste abide noȝt
Attelaste þis kniȝt was to þe ha[ll]e aȝen ibroȝt
As þe holy companie þuder ward to him wende
Adon he sat softe þere forte oure Louerd him grace sende
As he sat & biheld aboute þer com in sone þer
Al þis noble companie þat aȝen him com er
Al hy onurede him wel uaire & herede him wel uaste
And Iesus also Godes sone þat is bileue so wel ilaste


Beu frere hy sede wanne þou hast such strang penance idriue
Siker be[o] þat þi sunnes clanliche þe beoþ for ȝiue
Loke wanne þou comst to eorþe aȝen clene lif þat þou lede
Þat þou neuere eft in pine come for sunne ne misdede
Þou most do þe hanne anon vor atom in þine londe
Hit daweþ cler and it is ney day as ich vnderstonde
And þe prior wiþ procession to þe ȝate comþ sone
To loke ware þou be[o] icome as riȝt is forto done
And bote he þe vinde þer he wol make þe ȝet anon
And be[o] siker þat þou ne comist in namore & hamward dreri gon
Þis kniȝt hi broȝte out of þis halle & blessede him echon
And biteiȝte him God lif & soule vel & fleiss & bon
Forþ he wende dreoriliche bote as he most nede do
And riȝt as he com to þis ȝet þe prior com also
Aȝen him wiþ procession to loke hou it were
Anon so he hadde þe ȝet vnloke þe kniȝt he vond þere
Þer was ioie and blisse inou þo hi to gadere come
Wiþ song and wiþ orisons þe kniȝt out hy nome
And ladde him uorþ to churche anon & herede oure Louerd uaste
Þis kniȝt touore þe heiȝe weued akneo anon him caste
And stableliche inis orisons viftene dawes he lay
And herede oure swete Louerd vaste niȝt and day
And suþþe inis bare vleiss þe holy crois he nom
And wende to þe Holy Lond & holiman bicom
And ne tolde neuere eft of þe worlde bote as he were euere in þoȝte
And wende euere vorþ sympleliche as him noþing ne roȝte
Ac ofte he tolde of alle men þat in parais were
As him þoȝte greie monekes [in] mest ioie he sei þere
None men in so gret ioye ne so gret honur he ne sey
Ne no wonder sikerliche for þe ordre is noble & hei


Wanne ȝe habbeþ nou al ihurd hou oure Louerd sende is grace
Sein Patrik þulke pultatorie to vinde in þulke place
Forto warni men aboute hore sunne her to bete
Vor þe loue of Iesu Crist and of [his] moder swete
Beteþ alle ȝoure sunne her as God wol ȝou grace sende
Þat ȝe wiþoute oþer pine to parais henne wende
Nou God lete us so oure sunne bete for his holi wonde
So þat we in pultatorie bileue lute stounde