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Here followeth the unfashionable fashion, or the too too homely Worshipping of God.

Gods Houses, almost like Troyes Ilion,
Are also built of course and baser stone,
With broken Pavement, Window, Wall and Dore;
Well, if but White-lim'd, and then Oaker'd o're;
Drillings of Raine, make greene and yellow streakes,
And (Where they give him place) the Painter speakes
In Creed, Commands, and Prayer, and 'gainst his Will
To the Kings foes, puts Dizzie Painter still,
Sayes Woodcock was Church-warden, then cries Woe
Over the Pulpit, and in mind to show
Beggers at dore, how dreadfull to their trade
Death is, he sets him working with a Spade.
Nine dusty Seats, twelve Tressels, two crack'd Bels,
Three broken Halters. And what? Nothing else
Goes to a Church? The Chancell hath a Boord
Worth nine pence (most unworthy of the Lord)
With pretty home-spun Linsey-woolsey spread
Under the Linnen, whither (scarce white) Bread
And cheape sowre wine, two hob-nail'd Wardens dragge
In Gibeons Bottles, and course Pudding-bagge.
All manners, and all decencie must be
Laid by; as much as bowing of the Knee
Unlawfull is, though Paul commands it so,
Yet many new pure spirits doe say no.
That Kneeling, comes so neere Idolatry;
T'avoid which, they will be so mannerly


To be Christs fellow, and to sit at's Table,
And give his house like reverence as the stable.
Thus sawcie Mortals (vile and transitory)
Doe rob themselves of grace, and God of glory;
These rude behaviours every good man greeves,
When Temples are esteem'd like dens of Theeves.
Gods Worship this: The great Kings Service! see
How odly madly God's and man's agree.