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A Paraphrase on The Ten Commandments in Divine Poems

Illustrated With Twelve Copper Plates, shewing how Personal Punishments has been inflicted on the Transgressors of these Commandments, as is Recorded in the Holy Scripture. Never before Printed. Also, a Metrical Paraphrase upon the Creed and Lord's-Prayer. Written by George Wither

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Commandment IX.

[Who can hope for Justice where]

IX. Thou shalt not beare false witnes against, &c.

Who can hope for Justice where
Magistrates false witness bear?
Or, secure in falshood be,
When great Princes scape not free?
She who Naboth's death contriv'd
Was in Wrath of life depriv'd,
And her flesh by Dogs was torn
Though a Queen and Princely born,
That all others heed may take
How this Precept they do break.