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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule

Set foorth by Sir William Leighton

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The repentant wholy flyeth vnto the mercies of God in Christ, and describeth the loathsomnes & vglines of his sinnes, aggrauating the greatnes thereof, aboue all other mens.


Psal. 51. 1.

O Lord behould my miseries,

my paine and deadly griefe:
No helpe, no hope, but thy mercies,
to yeeld my soule reliefe.


I hate my selfe, and loath my sinne,
my heart is rent with feare:
To thinke what state I haue liu'd in,
my wits with torments teare.



If sinnes seeme vgly vnto mee,
who did the same commit:
How loathsome Lord, shew they to thee,
that do'st in iudgement sit.


Whē others sins, my minde haue vext,
and make me search mine owne:
My heart with horror is perplex't,
for my sinnes seedes so sowne.


By measure iust and true I finde,
no man that euer liu'd:
Hath sinn'd so much in heart and mind,
as I that am thus grieu'd.


If all mens faults were put in one,
(and knowne were my offences)
T'weare no compaire to mine alone,
so vil'd in all pretences.


O cease to sing, sigh and lament,

Psal. 51.

turne tunes to weeping teares:
And learne of Dauid to repent,
by faith to cure thy cares.


True faith in Christ, Lord grant to me,
that now liue in dispaire:
From Sathans bondage set me free,
let Christs bloud cleanse me cleare.

1. Iohn. 1. 7



Blot out of minde my cursed crimes,
and my misdoings all:
That dayly sinne so many times,
and hourely sinck and fall,


Thou bid'st thē come that loden are,

Math. 11. 28

with burthen of their sinne:

And let thy spirit, my spirit prepare,
that I may now begin.


At first to creepe and then to goe,
and so come to thy gate:
And then be cured of my woe,
O Lord t'is not to late.


Col. 3. 1.

Whil'st I liue let me liue to loue thee,

for now mine heart aboue:
There's nought on earth, to loue can moue me
my life is with my loue.


Where thou doest sit on cherubins,
and Angels sing thy praise:
With holy, holy, Seraphines.
Lord let me liue alwaies.