University of Virginia Library


An abused Man: Quasi, a Cuccold.

Yee Gods that lend me Patience, tell me why
My guiltlesse fame (pure as your Piety)
Must suffer for its innocence; can fate
For vertuous men such ills predestinate:
Ist not enough you have confin'd my life
To the loath'd prison of an unchast wife;
Extinguish'd Hymens Tapers, and bespread
With Ewe and Cypresse my poore nuptiall bed,
But I must suffer the injurious wrong
And Contumelie of each idiots tongue,
Take the reproach of him (perhaps) that thrives
In his warme Plush by nought else but his wives
(Thrice bought) adultery, yet such as he
Must on my Patience brand his Calumny:
Teach wiser men, and such as know the price
Of a chast wife, It is a Paradise
All candid soules enjoy not, if they doe,
Yee are unjust, my merits claime one (too)
But I repent my rage, conceive agen
The reason why you punish vertuous men;
To make it in their suffering appeare
They must attend, their heaven is not here;
Yet tell my rude abusers onely this,
Not my unkindnesse causeth her amisse,
Nor is it poverty my torment brings,
For such as mine may be the fate of Kings.