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Natures Embassie

Or, The Wilde-mans Measvres: Danced naked by twelve Satyres, with sundry others continued in the next Section [by Richard Brathwait]

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TO THE WORTHIE CHERISHER AND NOVRISHER OF ALL GENEROUS studies, S. W. C. Knight R. B. His affectionate Country-man wisheth the increase of all honour, health, and happinesse.


When I had compos'd these raged lines,
Much like the Beare who brings her young ones forth,
In no one part well featurd, she repines,
That such a lumpe of flesh should haue a birth:
Which to reforme, she's said to undertake
A second taske, and licks them into shape.
So I producing these unriper seedes,
Scarce growne to their perfection, knew not how,
(Since different humour, different censure breeds)
How they should come to ripenesse, but by you:


Whose faire accept once may such count'nance show,
As you may others moue to grace them too.
Nor do I doubt but these shall purchase grace,
'Mongst such as honour vertue, for how low
So 'ere the style be, Subiect is not base,
But full of Diuine matter; and I know,
The Sunne giues life, as well to simple weeds,
As unto flowers or other fruitfull seeds.