University of Virginia Library


Corbred II. Sir-named Gald, 21st King,

Rang the Yeer of Christ 76, fra the begining of the Kingdome 406, and Rang 35 Years.

Incomparable, thou Great & Gallant GALD,
Prudent in Peace, and Valerous in Warre:
Of th'Ylanders, thou forced for to fald,
Such as deboir'd from thy Obedience darre:
Thy State-effairs, with Forton fair th'effect's,
And some bad Laws, abolishes and brecks.
VICTORIOUSLIE with Valour oft Thou Wan,
When in the Fielde with Roman Force thou fought;
Thou dreave thame from thy Merches ev'rie Man
And lastlie Brockin, to this Bay them brought:
To pray for Peace, to thy Triumphant Troupe,
And to thy Terror-striking-Standard stoup.