A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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Illvstr. XXI.
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A Collection of Emblemes | ||
Illvstr. XXI.
[I Will not blame those grieved Hearts that shed]
Death is no Losse, but rather, Gaine;
For wee by Dying, Life attaine.
For wee by Dying, Life attaine.
I Will not blame those grieved Hearts that shed
Becoming-teares, for their departed Friends;
Nor those who sigh out Passions for the Dead;
Since, on Good-natures, this Disease attends.
When Sorrow is conceiv'd, it must have Vent
(In Sighes or Moysture) or the Heart will breake;
And, much they aggravate our Discontent,
Who, out of Season, Reason seeme to speake.
Yet, since our Frailty may require we should
Remembrances admit to keepe us from
Excesse in Griefe: this Emblem here behold,
And take such Hope as may our Teares become.
Becoming-teares, for their departed Friends;
Nor those who sigh out Passions for the Dead;
Since, on Good-natures, this Disease attends.
When Sorrow is conceiv'd, it must have Vent
(In Sighes or Moysture) or the Heart will breake;
And, much they aggravate our Discontent,
Who, out of Season, Reason seeme to speake.
Yet, since our Frailty may require we should
Remembrances admit to keepe us from
Excesse in Griefe: this Emblem here behold,
And take such Hope as may our Teares become.
The Wheat, although a while it lyes in Earth,
(And seemeth lost) consumes not quite away;
But, from that Wombe receives another Birth,
And, with Additions, riseth from the Clay.
Much more shall Man revive, whose worth is more:
For, Death, who from our Drosse will us refine,
Vnto that other Life, becomes the Doore,
Where, we in Immortalitie shall shine.
When once our Glasse is runne, we presently
Give up our Soules to Death; So Death must give
Our Bodies backe againe, that we, thereby,
The Light of Life eternall, may receive.
The Venom'd Sting of Death is tooke away;
And, now, the Grave, that was a Place of Feare,
Is made a Bed of Rest, wherein we may
Lye downe in Hope, and bide in safety, there.
When we are Borne, to Death-ward straight we runne;
And by our Death, our Life is new begunne.
(And seemeth lost) consumes not quite away;
But, from that Wombe receives another Birth,
And, with Additions, riseth from the Clay.
Much more shall Man revive, whose worth is more:
For, Death, who from our Drosse will us refine,
Vnto that other Life, becomes the Doore,
Where, we in Immortalitie shall shine.
When once our Glasse is runne, we presently
Give up our Soules to Death; So Death must give
Our Bodies backe againe, that we, thereby,
The Light of Life eternall, may receive.
The Venom'd Sting of Death is tooke away;
And, now, the Grave, that was a Place of Feare,
Is made a Bed of Rest, wherein we may
Lye downe in Hope, and bide in safety, there.
When we are Borne, to Death-ward straight we runne;
And by our Death, our Life is new begunne.
A Collection of Emblemes | ||