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Divine Poems

Written By Thomas Washbourne

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Psalm 91. 11, 12.

Psalm 91. 11, 12.

He shall give his Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy wayes. They shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

How dear to God is man
That he his mercy should enlarge
To this poor span,
And thus to charge
His Angels to keep every limb
of him!
Such are his strict commands
To them, that they are bound to bear
Him in their hands
Secure from fear,


Of dashing but his foot upon
a stone.
If they so careful are
To keep his foot from hurt, they have
Much greater care
His soul to save,
And it int' Abrahams bosom they
Did we poor Creatures know
How much unto their watchfulness
And care we owe;
We would express
Our thanks to God, and his name praise
For highly honouring us
With this rare priviledg to be
Attended thus
By Angels, he
The greater makes to serve the less;
O bless
The Lord for this, and pay
To these pure spirits reverence due,
That so they may
Ne're forsake you,
Do no vile action which may these
Or cause them to retard
Their wonted aid; each wicked deed
Raiseth their guard
In time of need;
Live so that they may you attend
to th' end