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An Answer to a Song call'd Fair Archybella to whose eyes, &c.


My Dearest) Archybella's eyes,
Though ne're so fair shall not dispise,
But own thy loyal sacrifice.


Nay, were she cruel, and a while,
Her frowns like Midnight day exile,
'Twere noon again shouldst thou but smile.


We like our Lodging and protest,
So you provide a faithful breast,
To vow our self Your constant guest.



Nor need You fear since You impart
Your Wounds so fresh, but we have Art,
And Balsom too, to ease Your smart.


Let not a thought that Death may give,
Molest thee, doubt not thou to live
If smiles or Tears may but reprieve.


Dread not (my Dear) so dire a doom,
Forbid it Heaven, the hour should come
That thou shouldst suffer Martyrdom.